Perverts Over Forty Are Pedophiles, Mr. Wentz

She Says She's No Good With Words...

I'm Emm, just Emm, that's what I'm called and known by, I don't use my last name, middle name, or real name, I go by Emm and it has two 'ms which makes it unique. I have short, dirty blond hair that comes down to my shoulders and dark brown eyes which are normally thickly lined with black eyeliner, I'm 5'2 ft and I'm 18. My best friend in the whole wide world is Erin, she's like two-three inches taller then me and she's 18. She has long, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes that are thickly lined with eyeliner. We're both band nerds, I play the flute and guitar, she plays the clarinet and is learning bass, and I love rock, punk, emo, and alternative music, I'm a audiophile basically. She loves dirt bikes and she loves the same kind of music that I do.

"I'm quitting band next month cuz Mr. Muro is a dick." Erin pouted as we walked to our first period class which just happened to be band.

"What!? You can't leave me!" I shouted throwing my arms around her shoulders as we walked into the room and got out our instruments and folders. I assembled my flute then set it on my chair and walked over to Erin.

"So tired..." I moaned as she laughed at me, just then Mr. Muro announced it was time for class to start and I had to go back to my seat. We went through the warm up scales and lip slurs before finally tuning, just as it was my turn to tune a knock came from the side door. I stopped and turned around to face the door while Mr. Muro went over and opened it. I heard Erin take in a sharp breath as Pete Wentz walked through the door way.

"Hey, we talked on the phone about that 1963 bass that you had for sale. I'm here to pick it up." Mr. Muro grinned at him and led him over to where I was sitting by an old white bass and a few amplifiers.

"Yeah, here it is with the amps and everything." Pete grinned as he looked at it then handed Mr. Muro a check just as Matt started to laugh from the back of the classroom.

"Hey, aren't you the dude that has pics of your penis all over the Internet?"

"Hahaha, real funny kid. Yeah, someone hacked into my private online photo book. Alright?"

"Uh huh, but why'd you take the pics in the first place?"

"Because I can!" Matt snickered again before doing a fake cough to cover up him yelling "Pedophile." Pete glared at him. Then he picked up the bass and one of the three amps.

"Hey, could I borrow two of your students to help me?" Pete asked, Mr. Muro nodded and Pete pointed to Erin and she grinned and stood up quickly rushing to his side.

"I'm Erin." He grinned at her and shook her hand.

"Who should I pick next Erin?"

"My best friend Emm." She said pointing to me, I grinned and stood up then grabbed an amp. We walked with him to his car.

"Umm, no offense Emm but are you a preppy slut?" Pete asked once we got to the car.

"What the hell? Are you a forty-year-old pervert?"

"I'm not even close to forty!"

"Could of fooled me!"

"You're a bitch, I'm still two years away from turning thirty and that's pretty good seeing how thirty's like the new twenty!"

"Yeah...FOR TREES!!!" Pete screamed in annoyance and I glared at him.

"Guys, break it up for God's sake!" Erin yelled as Patrick Stump stumbled out of the car and stood up looking bewilder.

"What the hell is going on here?!"

"That bastard called me a preppy slut!"

"Yeah well miss bitchy pants over here called me a forty-year-old pervert!"

"Who are you two chicks?" Patrick asked pointing to Erin and I.

"Well Pete picked me, I'm Erin by the way, to help him carry out his amps and I told him to pick Emm to help too and he did and then he asked if she was a preppy slut which is mainly my fault seeing how I dared her to dress like a prep today so then they started screaming." Erin took a deep breath and Patrick looked from Erin to me to Pete then back to me.

"Alright, Pete calm down, Emm calm down and all three of you put the bass and amps in the trunk and step away without hurting each other." We all did as we were told and then just stood there awkwardly.
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Haha, I stole the whole 'thirty is the new twenty. Yeah, for trees' thing from an MCR interview, I couldn't resist.

Comments will be loved!!! =]