Status: Slowly Active

Where There's A Sinner...

Chapter 1

**Monday Morning**

(Alarm clock goes off. Rose sit straight up in her bed and hits the off buttom. She get up out of bed and turns up her stereo. The song thats playing is White Stripes 'Icky Thump'.)

Rose:If the girls heard me listening to this...I wouldnt have any friends.

(she grabs a black towel and runs off to take a shower. When she gets out her favorite song is playing or the song that she told her 'friends' she liked. Chris Brown 'Kiss Kiss')

Rose: (groans)I hate this song!(goes to her closet and starts picking out clothes)Today is Monday so i gotta wear pink....
(In her Room)**Megan**(Same Time)

Megan:I will not wear that!!!(she throws the pink sweater at her mother)

Cher:Why? Its cute, you'd look cute in it!!

Meg: (Putting a black tank over her head)No i'd look stupid.

Cher:Must you wear black everyday?

Meg:Must you come in my room every morning and try to make me wear that ugly sweater?(starts stuffing her backpack with everything. Eye-liner, eye-shadow. stuff like that.)

Cher: (shakes her head and walks to the door)Make sure you eat something before you go.(leaves)

Meg:Like you care.(Look in the mirror)Come and get me boys.
(In the Kitchen)**Heath**(Same Time)

Cam:That girl was all over me at that party Saturday!!! She was so hott.

Heath:Yeah they ran from me. Right into your arms.

Cam:Yeah dude you make me look good.(stuffs a cerial bar into his mouth)

Heath:So when am i gonna met this girl you've been dating?

Cam: (gulps)Never. She broke up with me, after she gave me a nice black eye.(takes off his glasses and he has a huge black eye)

Heath:You let a girl give you a black eye?

Cam:This isnt any ordinary girl. She's got a really bad temper and she's strong.

Heath:Yeah, right. Lets go before we're late...
(In Her Car) **Ria**(30mins later)

(Shes on her way to school when she comes to a stop light. It's very long)

Ria: (shouting)Oh come on!! I'm gonna be late!!(looks both ways and theres no cars coming at all)I'll just run it.(just as she pulls out the police pull out behind her)Aww!! Damn it!!(she pulls over)

Policeman: (comes to her window)Are you aware of the light being red?

Ria: (talking sweetly)Yes i am. I'm late for school, i have a test this morning. No cars were coming and the light was taking years.

Policeman:Let me see your licence.

Ria: (gets it out if her purse and hands it to him)

Policeman: (looks at the licence then at her. He does
this like 20 times)

Ria: (annoyed)Do you mind hurrying this up a bit? I do have to be to school.

Policeman: (gives it back to her)Oh sorry. Have a nice day at school, Ms. Fury.

Ria:Yeah.(drives off.)Ass...
(At PFHS)**Rose**

(She's sitting in the student parking lot)

Rose: (talking to herself)Okay. Today we have to find at least one of the other sins.(looks in the mirror)

Reflection: Hint: PHS.

Rose: PHS? It's a girl or a guy?

Reflect:Girl, Wrath. Dont know her name. Freshman. She knows she have powers.

Rose:I'll just go to PHS and say i'm thinking about transfering there and i wanna see what it's like before i leave all my wonderful friends.

Reflect:You're so smart girl. Have fun.(winks and disappears)

Rose:Time to go.(drives off quickly)
(At PHS)**Front Office**

Lady: Okay here is your schedule. It is now Homeroom. Mr. Rose.

Rose:Cool. Thank you.(she leaves the office passing by Ria running in)

Ria:Ms. Perkins...

Lady:I know Ria, you're late everyday. Just sign in.

Ria:This blind ass policeman took like 20mins looking at my licence. I wanted to kick his ass all the way to Canada.

Lady: Please Ria watch your language. How have those anger management classes been working for you?

Ria:I stopped going. Have a nice day.(takes her pass and runs out of the office)

Lady: (shakes her head)
**Mr. Rose**

Mr.Rose:Everyone this is Rose-Pride Vanity. She is here because she is thinking about transfering here.

Rose:Yes i am.(smiles)I just need someone to show me around.

(alot of guys raise their hands)

Mr.Rose: (laughs)

Ria: (runs into the classroom)Mr. Rose!! I'm here!!

Mr.Rose:Lucky its homeroom.(takes pass from her and she sits)How about you tour Ms. Vanity here?

Ria:Who me?(looks at Rose, she gets a feeling like she knows her already)Okay sure. What's your name?

Rose:Rose-Pride Vanity. You?

Ria:Ria. Thats all you need to know right now.

(bell rings)

Ria:I was that late. Come on Rose.(they leave the class room and go to the lockers. She tries to open hers but it doesnt move. She curses alot intill she sees how Rose is looking at her)What?

Rose: (chuckles)Nothing.

Marie Grace: (walks up next to Ria)Lady whats wrong? I could hear you cursing from down the hall.

Ria:I cant get my locker open!!

Marie:Take a deep breath then try it.

Ria: (she does it and it opens)Oh thanks.

Marie:Girl you need to take yo-ga or something.(sees Rose standing there)Oh hi whats your name?


Ria:Shes new, im showing her around.

Marie:Well im Marie Grace.

Ria:Wheres Jay?

Jay: (comes up behind her and hugs)Right here.

Ria: (smiles)Whats up? We got 3mins.

Jay: (looks at Rose up and down)What's yo name?

Ria:Her name is Rose. Rose this is my flirtatious boyfriend J.J thats about to get a black eye.(slaps him in the back of the head)

Jay: Ow!! Im Sorry.

Ria:Yeah. I'll see you guys at lunch.(Jay and Marie walks away)Okay we have reading next.

(she starts walking away leaving the locker open, it closes by itself. Rose sees it)

Rose: (smiles and runs to catch up with Ria)
**END OF 1**
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I wrote this at the beginning of grade 9 after a frightening dream i had about a guyfriend, his girlfriend, and I. Rose is a guy i liked girlfriend[Which happens to be my guyfriend. Her name is not really Rose]

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