Status: Slowly Active

Where There's A Sinner...

Chapter 3 Part 2

(outside on lawn) *At Cameron's Party*(9:36)

Ria's sitting on the hood of Cameron's car in deep thought. Meg and Rose come and sit on opposite sides of her.

Meg: Hey what’s up? Why you not partying?

Ria: (looking at Heath) You guys said that Envy is gay, right?

Rose: Yeah, well, Reflect Rose said we have to figure it out ourselves.

Meg: What about it?

Ria: I think Heath is Envy.

Rose: Huh?

Meg: What? He is not gay. I hope he's not gay. He's soooo hot!

Ria: I know! When I shook his hand, i felt a shock and i think i had a vision or something. (whispering) Dude he burned someone and i froze someone to death! We were working together!

Rose: Wow.

Meg: That is awesome! Wait! (frowns) Why do i think killing someone is awesome?

Rose: (takes out mirror) Can Wrath have visions?

Reflect: Oh yes. She is actually the only sin with that power.

Meg: Oh my, oh my me!

Rose: Is-Is Heath Envy?

Reflect: Heath Spite. Yes, he is Envy. Power: Fire!

Heath: (looks at Ria, smiles and walks over)

Rose: (closes mirror) Hey Heath, can we talk to you for a sec.?

Ria: It’s important.

Meg: Very!

Heath: Yeah let’s go up to my room. (They all go inside, walking through a huge crowd of people)

Ria: Can’t you see we're trying to get by? Move! (pushes a girl out of the way, she falls) Bitch!

Meg: (points to a guy) OOO he is hot, look.

Rose: Quit it, focus!

Heath: (He leads them up the stairs and into the attic that must be his room.) This is my room. (Flicks lights on and there’s poster of just about every band I’ve heard of on the walls. He closes the door)

Ria: Oh my damn!

Heath: Okay what so important that you decided to tell me instead of "The God" Cameron? (rolls eyes)

Ria: Okay this is going to sound weird, but when I shook your hand, i felt this-

Heath: Yeah i felt it, too. (excitedly)So do you have powers or something?

Rose: Uh... (looks at Ria, Ria looks at Meg, Meg looks at Rose) yeah.

Heath: Cool! What r they?

Rose: I have lightening.

Meg: Fire.

Ria: Me, ice.

Heath: So it was you, in my dream. We killed this blonde girl.

Ria: Wait that was a dream? (look seriously confused)

Heath: So what are you, like witches or something?

Rose: (laughs) Not even close.

Meg: We r...the 7 Deadly Sins.

Heath: (face goes blank) Huh? Sins?

Ria: Yeah.

Rose: Is there a problem?

Meg: Because that’s what you are, too.

Heath: What? (smiles) This is f***ing awesome!

Ria: (laughs) We all think so.

Heath: Which am i?

Meg: Envy.

Heath: Seriously?

Ria: Yep.

Heath: Which one are you... (walks up to Ria) Ria?

Ria: Uh…me.

Heath: (nods yes)

Ria: Wrath (smiles all girly-like)

Meg: (under breath) Right now you're looking like Lust.

Rose: So you except the fact that when you die, you're going back to Hell?

Heath: Yeah. I never really worried about that anyway. (still looking at Ria) Hey, you girls wanna go somewhere else, this party is kinda lame.

Rose: I was going to ask the same thing. Yeah let’s go to my place. My mom is probably sleeping.

Meg: I love going to your house! Her mom's a nut.

Heath: (laughs) Let me change 1st.

Rose: Okay we will meet you in the car. (they leave the room closing the door behind them)

Heath changes into a Social Collision Black and Red Striped Hoodie with Dark Blue Skinnies that he has been Shoes: Converse All-Star Red High Tops. He walks outside and gets into the backseat with Ria.

Ria: (stares at him smirking)

Rose: (stares mouth open)

Meg: (looks at him up and down) Oh my damn!

Heath: (looks at them) What?

Rose: Oh you are definitely one of us! (drives off)
♠ ♠ ♠
End of Part 3. Buddy it gets better!