Status: Slowly Active

Where There's A Sinner...

Chapter 4

(Rose's Room) *At Rose's House*(11:49pm)

Rose has redecorated her room. It's black and white with posters all over the walls, black and white bean bag chairs in the corner. Rose is laying on the bed, Meg is in the bean bag chairs, Heath is laying on the floor, and Ria is standing on the balcony.

Heath: So your reflection talks to you and helps you find the others?

Rose: Yeah.

Heath: How long have you been trying to find us?

Rose: 2 years. I'm so dumb. You're all connected in someway.

Ria: (walking from balcony)Yeah. Me and Megan are bestfriends. I used to date Cameron and Heath just happens to be his bro. Cool.

Meg: So are you going to be attending PHS?

Heath: I dont know.

Rose: (sits up on bed)You have to! If something happens we all need to be together. You too Meg!

Meg: How did this become about me? And my school isnt that far from yours!

Ria: Rose, Meg is kind of on a mission.

Heath: What is it?(sits up and everyone gets on the bed with Rose)

Ria: (crosses legs)She's looking for "the saint".

Rose: Its too early to go looking for The Saint.

Heath: Wait! What is The Saint?

Ria: The only thing that can kill us. It can take on any form so you gotta be careful.

Heath: Oh wow.

Rose: Yeah and there's only four of us. We're not strong enough-well i am-but yall arent. We are the strongest of the 7 but we still need to train.

Ria: (raises hand)I can train. No prob.

Heath: Me too.

(they all look at Meg.)

Meg: My fire is fine but i guess i'll do it just to make Miss Rose happy!(she gives her a fake smile)

Rose: (rolls eyes)Good. We start tomorrow.

Shelby: (from the outside of the room)Rose?

Rose: Yeah mom?

Shel: Who's in there with you?

Rose: (sighs)Ria and Meg.

Shel:I heard a male's voice. Is there a boy in there?

(Megan, Ria, and Heath chuckles softly)

Rose: It's our friend Heath mom.

Shel: Okay.(her footsteps walking away)Keep your hands to yourself.

(When they're sure shes gone they all burst out laughing)

Meg: You're mom is crazy!

Rose: I know.

Heath: It feels like i've known you all forever.(he lays on his back)You know?

Ria: I know, it's crazy.

Rose: How long have you and Meg been friends?

Both: 5th grade.

(Ria's cell phone rings. It's Marie. Ria sighs and answers the phone on spearker.)

Ria: Yes Marie?

Marie: Where the hell are you?! Your mom called me crying!

Ria: I'm having fun. And she's not my mom.

Marie: (sighs)Where are you?

Rose: She's at my house!

Marie: Well im coming to get her!(hangs up)

Ria: (flips phone down)She gets on my nerves sometimes. (she slips off the bed and puts on her boots) I'm not leaving, im just gonna go talk to her.(leaves room)

Heath: (grabs jacket) I'll go with her.(leaves room)

Heath decided to tell her about the dreams he's been having.

Ria: So...(turns to him)You've had this dream more than once?

Heath: I've been having this dream for weeks. Rose with blood all over her clothes.(shudders)It's really disturbing, lets change the subject.

Ria: O-k.

Heath: Tell me about yourself.(grins)

Ria: (smiles)Okay. Well my mom chose the name Lady Ria Fury for me before i was born, says my aunt. She died giving birth to me.

Heath: I'm sorry.

Ria: It's okay. I'm 15. I love music, i'll listen anything with meaningful lyrics. I have a short fuse and my new best friend is Rose. (points to Heath) Your turn.

Heath: (chuckles) Okay. (he rubs his chin thinking and says) Heath Spite. 16, I like girls with dark hair. I've always had to hide who i really am. I actually hate playing football and i play guitar.

Ria: (laughing immating him) "I like girls with dark hair"?

Heath: And hazel eyes.(winks)

Ria: (smiles) Okay Mr. Flirt.

(Marie pulls up on the curb. Heath and Ria walk up to her car. Marie gets out and leans against it)

Rie: Are you coming?

Ria: (in duh tone)Uh, no.

Rie: Why?(folds arms across her chest)

Ria: Because im having fun.

Rie: (double takes on Heath)Where are all these gothic looking people coming from? (gasps) What did you do to your hair?! What are you wearing?!

Ria: (rolls eyes) I'm staying here tonight so you can go now.(her and Heath turn around to walk away)

Rie: Lady!

Ria: (faces Marie)Yes?

Rie: We're still going to K.K tomorrow, right?

Ria: Yeah. 9 o'clock.(her and Heath go back inside)
*Next Morning*

Shel: (yelling from the ktichen) Get up everyone its breakfast time! (bangs on a pot with a spoon walking into the livingroom) Get up!(bang) Get up! (bang) Up!

Heath falls off the couch onto Meg but she pushes him off easily.

Rose: (whipes eyes) Mom!

Shel: (bang)Get...up! (goes back in kitchen)

Heath looks on the couch to see if Ria is awake since he didnt feel her move. She not there.

Heath: Where's Lady?

Rose: Who?(stands up)

Meg: Ria.

Ria comes downstairs fully dressed.

Ria: I'm right here.

Rose: Where you going so early?

(Ria looks at the ground)

Ria: Uh...

Meg: Ewww. She's going to Krispy Kreme to have doughnuts with Marie. They do it every Saturday morning with their boyfriends.

Shelby enters the living room again getting ready to bag on the pot again.

Shel: Lets go!

Everyone goes into the kitchen and sits at the table.

Meg: Um...Ms. Vanity?

Shel: Yes Megan?

Meg: We told some friends that we would meet them at Krispy Kreme this morning so...

Shel: Rose?

Rose: We really need to get ready.

Rose, Heath, and Meg runs upstairs quickly before Shelby tries to talk them into staying.

Shel: (sighs)

Ria: Are you mad?

She gives Ria a sad smile.

Shel: I just dont see her as much as i used to, before she met you demons.

Ria is taken back by this and kind of scared. The look that Shelby is giving her isnt a very nice one, kinda evil.

Ria: Demons?

Rose, Megan, and Heath come back downstairs to find Ria and Shelby looking as if they're ready to kill each other. Rose grabs Ria by the arm.

Rose: Bye mom see you later!

They all leave Shelby standing there glaring at stove full of pots of breakfast she cooked just for them.
*Krispy Kreme* (9:56am)

Jay, Marie, and Chris are sitting at a table waiting for Ria whom is really late.

Rie: Where is she?

Jay: So shes still hanging with that girl?

Chris: I seen them go upstairs with that guy Heath, the Washington High football player.

Rie: That must have been- no that guy was goth or something.

Ria and the others burst into K.K like they are celebrities.

Ria: Sorry im late!

Jay, Marie, and Chris look at her like she's crazy. One for being so loud, and two, for bringing the 'Weirdos' with her. They grab more chairs and sit down at the table.

Ria: What?

Jay: Why did you bring them?

Meg: (rolling her neck) Because she can.

Rie: He wasnt talking to you!

Meg: Bitch i wasnt talking to you!

They are tottally making a scene. Everyone was already staring when they entered, now they are staring because they are being extra loud.

Ria: Both of you shut the fuck up! (turns to customers.) Excusse us! (turns back to the table) Would you all please try to act civilized?

Jay: You look- Why did you do that to yourself?

Ria: Do what? This is who i am, who i've been the whole time. You just never go to see it.

Everyone goes silent for a minute until Chris breaks it.

Chris: So what is up with you Heath? Nice game last night.

Rie: Wait, thats the football guy? Ha trading in a football for eyeliner?

Jay: HA! Good one Marie.

Meg: Shut up Jay.

Rose: Okay arent we supossed to be eatting doughnuts or something?

Heath: What kind does my girls want? I'll pay.

Heath sends Jay a dirty look.

Meg: Ooh, just bring Glazed and Chocolate.

Ria: Dont forget orange juice.

Heath gives Ria a big smile and goes to the counter to order their food.

Meg: Oh my me, Ria. If you dont want him, can i have him?

Ria: What?

Meg: He makes my stomach growl.

Rie: Oh thats weird.

Ria: (laughs) None of us are going to go out with him or eat him. I think Rose likes him, but she just to Proud to admit it.

Rose: What? (scoffs) Shut up!

Meg: Its not our fault she so Proud.

Rose: It's not mine either, remember?

Meg: Oh yeah i forgot. But can i just-

Ria: You'd tear him apart! Now shut up he's coming.

Heath returns to the table with their food and sits between Ria and Rose.

Rie: Do you like Megan Heath?

Ria: Marie!

Heath looks around the table, everyone's staring at him waiting for him to respond.

Rie: Because she that you make her stomach growl or something. (rolls eyes)

Heath, Ria, Rose, and Megan all burst out laughing like fools.

Heath: What?

Everyone else just look at them like their on'd think so too.

After they settle down Ria grabs their boxes of dougnuts.

Ria: We have alot to do today so we're just gonna take these to go.

Rie: But-

Ria: Sorry! See you on Monday!

They leave without another word.

Chris: They're so weird.

Rie: I know. Something is going on there.
*At Ria's House*

When Ria gets home her aunt, Mic, is waiting for her.

Mic: Where have you been? I've been trying to call you since last night.

Ria: At Rose's house, where i am everyday.

Ria goes to her room with Mic following.

Mic: What do you do at Rose's house?

Ria: I be minding my business and leaving yours alone.(she begins going through her closet looking for training clothes)

Mic: Why are you dressed like that? What-(gasp) Are you doing drugs?!

Ria: Mic!

Mic: They're pressuring you to do drugs?!

Ria: No!

She grabs a part of short shorts and a pair of combats)

Mic: (raises brow) What are you doing?

Ria: Fixing to get dressed, so can you please leave?

Mic: (sighs) What am i going to do with you?

Mic finally leaves closing the door behind her.

Ria: How about leave me the fuck alone...
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