A Walking Spastic

Same Old Antics

Mikey, being a ninth grader, was fifth in line to receive his lunch from the old, gray haired lunch lady behind the raised glass counter. As a couple of obnoxious girls behind him began a fight on which was better; pink inked pens or purple inked pens, he was shoved forwards, running face to face into a Senior bully he was frequently forced to visit. Bob stared down at him and slightly picked him up by the collar, not wanting to cause a huge scene in the middle of the cafeteria. Mikey instinctively let out a small gasp, followed by a squeal. He knew he should be used to this by now, he knew this wasn't as bad as the many painful times before... Like the time he had been walking home from school and got pulled behind a bush, to be greeted by Bob and his 'Crew'. The memories of the inflicted kicks, punches, and the bruises and scars they left came rushing to Mikey's head and caused him to tense up even more if possible. Meanwhile, the line had become smaller, and Bob and Mikey were now third in line. Mikey raised his head to look at Bob, and was acknowledged by Bob's eyes penetrating Mikey's vulnerable mind. Bob suddenly let go of Mikey and told the lunch lady what he wanted. Upon being let go of, Mikey fell to the floor with a thud. Bob's gaze landed on Mikey for a split second, before returning his attention to his 'Crew', snickering. Mikey stood up, dusted himself off, and was met with the booming voice of a very annoyed staff member.
"Are you going to ask for something, or just stand there? There are other people in line 'ya know?" Avoiding the lunch lady and the students laughs, Mikey advanced forwards to the area containing peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. There, he picked up a Styrofoam tray, placing the sandwich, and muffin he chose as a side, onto the tray.

Once all was paid for, Mikey returned to the normal routine of retreating to the table in the very back corner of the cafeteria. Not feeling very hungry, Mikey opened his folder that contained his homework.
Halfway through finishing his math homework, Mikey felt as if someone were watching him. Scared that it might be Bob again, his head jerked up and looked at his surroundings. Mysteriously, no one was there. Someone had stole his sandwich, but it wasn't that big of a surprise. Slowly and carefully, Mikey revisited the sheet of paper in front of him. Moments later, he felt the same sensation of eyes on his back. Again, he looked around himself. Not one person was around. Mikey looked over to the muffin on the middle of his tray. It just sat there, mentally harassing Mikey. Mikey began to feel intimidated by the muffin, so he took out his science homework, hoping it would draw his attention more than the muffins lop sided top. Failing to do it's job, Mikey threw his homework off the table and screamed in defeat.
"Fucking muffin! What's your goddamn problem!" Mikey asked. When there was no reply, Mikey was truly aggravated.
"Answer me! You little whore of a muffin! You expect me to just sit here and allow you to eye rape me? Well let me tell you something, that is not how it works around here." As all eyes in the room were practically glued to Mikey, he began pulling some of the visible blueberries out of the top of the muffin.
"How does that feel? Huh!" He crossed the border of sanity... and insanity, and was now on the table, punching the non-living day lights out of the innocent little muffin. When both the muffin, the table, and his knuckles were covered in blood, he backed away and threw his hands in the air.
"I have killed the muffin!" He announced loud enough so that the whole school could have possibly heard. That's when reality hit him hard and he sat in the chair closest to himself. He thought of how much of a fool he must have made of himself according to all the fits of laughter bursting from the other students. When he looked up from his feet, he found only Bob staring at him quizzically. Bob's eyebrows were raised and a small grin played on his lips. Mikey knew what this meant. Closing his eyes, he braced himself for the worst. When nothing happened, his eyes snapped open to see a single pair of hands clapping, hands that belonged to... Bob? Mikey thought long and hard about this; Why would Bob be clapping for Mikey when he just made a complete idiot out of himself? Bob's arms wrapped around Mikey's fragile figure, pulling him up from the chair. Mikey looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"Good job Way! The Crew and I never thought you could live up to your brothers Rep, but you proved us wrong. You wanna join?" Bob stepped back and surveyed Mikey's expression, being one of utter shock.
"What? Join what?" Mikey barely chocked out, surprised at how Bob was acting.
"Join the crew? You do know we only picked on you because we wanted to see what you were made of."
"Um... Sure?" With that, Bob escorted Mikey to his lunch table, where they brought Mikey a real lunch and got to know each other a little more. Bob apologized and they were now off to pour black paint in the schools overly chlorinated swimming pool.