Dramatic Frerard


I looked at him, in a very serious manner. I didn't think that he's like that. And his face was shocked, and he was rooted on the spot where he is.

"I never thought that you're like that, Gerard. Oh well, I thought wrong." I walked away right after I said those words.

"Frank, wait! You don't understand!"

I turned and saw him following me. "Don't you fucking dare to follow me, filthy pig! And what part of those things that you've said a while ago I don't understand? I've fucking heard it... Every fucking word that came out from your fucking mouth!" I pushed him away from me and walked away again. "Stop following me or else, with no second thoughts, I'll be going back to your house and tell your fucking brother that you were about to fuck me!"

"Frank, let me explain, I only..." I didn't understand anymore what he was saying because I already ran away.

I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.

That was the last time I talked to him, and to the other Ways. It's hard for me though, but after what he did o me, and what he said to his brother, I tried to bear with my pride. All I thought was that day would be a great day, then he told Mikey that he doesn't like men...what's the matter with him? What's the matter with loving me? Because of the kisses that he brought upon me, I found out that I love him.

"Frank!" Mikey said. I was about to walk away but he grabbed my hand and let me turn to face him. "I know there's something wrong between you and my brother, and I know too that you know that we'll be moving to Belleville again... And I don't want us to leave Trenton with you, having problems with my brother. I don't know what exactly it is, but please, come with me to our house, so that the two of you can talk this shit out."

"Mikey, I'm fine. Thanks for being my friend anyways, have a safe trip though."

"Frank!" he shouted. "Come on!"

"Mikey there's nothing to worry about. I'm really fine," I said, leaving Gerard's younger brother behind.

They left the next day. This is the worst summer that Iwill ever have.

"Gerard Arthur Way, I miss you... I'm sorry for being rude about everything that you said a few months ago. When will you come back here? I love you." I ran my fingers on his face on the picture of us that I have. I miss him so badly. If only I can move again to Belleville, but I can't.


At last. My fiancé already accepted my offer that we must move to Belleville. I'm Frank Iero, 24, and short. I have lived my first fourteen years in Belleville, and I spent the other ten years in Trenton. And now, I'll be going back to Belleville, and live my life until I am old, along with my fiancé, of course. Her name's Jamia, Jamia Nestor. She has been my girl friend since high school, three years after someone whom I love left me...
Gerard Way... and he might be there... in Belleville.