Dear God, Why'd you Send me to a Host Club?

The True You

Kyouya Ootori flopped down on his bed and sighed. He knew what his father would say if he saw the youngest member of the family acting in such a manner:

"An Ootori does not flop. Or indicate anything is going on in his head other than business. Now get up off your bed, son, before the guests arrive!"

Or something to that effect.

Kyouya found he didn't really care what his father would think of him at this particular moment, which almost surprised him. Almost. Right now he had other things to think about, like five words that echoed throughout his mind, haunting him, occupying his every thought.

You reallyare a demon.

He sighed again and ran a hand through his hair, a habit he'd just recently started since she'd taken up residence here. And how could he think of anything else when there was what had just taken place....

Kyouya opened the door after hearing a cheerful 'Come in!' and could only stare. Alabaster skin shining brightly against a black sports bra and purple panties stole his attention. And then when she peered over the armoire door, her lively expression caught him completely off guard. At the time, he could only recalled her glaring at him through narrow slits of eyes....

But then her expression morphed into one of suspicion and embarrassment, and the beautiful, breath-taking moment was over.

Though she did invite him to sit down, Kyouya could see that it was a polite notion so forced that if he did sit down she might just claw his eyes out. So with that, he'd left the room.

But, He thought, I did get an invite back, if I ever had something to talk about.

Kyouya glanced at the clock in an offhand manner. It's only been ten minutes since I spoke to her last.

The time seemed to hold some sort of important message for him. A glowing 4:58 on the clockface looked as if it were frowning at him, telling him to get a move on for the --

Ah, crap.

Kyouya leaped off the bed and started shedding his clothes while simultaneously searching for a more formal attire for the special evening that would start with or without him in precisely thirty-two minutes. Kyouya cursed under his breath.

Of all days to forget...!

"Forgetting things is not part of the Ootori way either --"

"Oh, shut the hell up, old man." Kyouya angrily silenced his father's voice in his head. He hastily made an attempt to smooth his ruffled hair down, but upon glancing at the clock, 5:26, he abandoned the motion and ran out his room, slamming the door.

It was at that moment that Yuki decided to poke her head out of her room.


"Where are you going in such a hurry?" The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. I watched Kyouya visibly stiffen, then relax.

"Listen," He began and glanced at his wristwatch, "I don't have much time. There is an important guest arriving tonight -- one that doesn't know you're here. So please, don't come out of your room, request a maid up here tonight, make any noise, and I really hope you're not too hungry because there's no way I can get you food until... well, probably until after midnight."

He's got to be joking.

"So basically, you want me to pretend like I don't exist up here." I folded my arms and frowned at him.

"Well... yeah." He glanced at his watch again and muttered, "I'm going to be late...!"

"You know what? Fine. Go have your stupid fancy tea party or whatever it is you're doing tonight. I honestly can't believe you're doing this to me again!" With that, I slammed the door in his face.

I heard Kyouya pause for a moment, then his hurried footsteps as he scurried down the hall and down the staircase. I opened the door a sliver and peeked out into the hallway.

An evil grin spread on my face. Well, Mr. Secretive, looks like the only way I'm going to be able to see the true you is if I spy on you.

I opened the door the rest of the way, tiptoeing out and down the stairs. I quickly got down when I spotted Kyouya's tall form stopping to question a maid, then watched him rush into the dining room, closing the massive wooden doors behind him.

As soon as all the help cleared out of there, I ran for the door and peeked through a keyhole. Kyouya was sitting at the end of a super long table, facing me (or rather, the door). He sat motionless.

Maybe he's waiting for someone to come through here. Someone important -- well, definitely more important than little ol' me. I scowled at the fact that Kyouya was going to let me go hungry all night. Damn that little bastard. You can't trust him, no matter what.

And yet...

He'd seemed so vulnerable today. Almost... human.

Bah. That's just what hewants me to think; he's only a demon in disguise. Just when I think he's relatively normal -- BAM! He pounces, his claws out and ready to rip me to shreds.

I resumed paying attention when the maids came back in and laid out enough delicious-smelling food for about twenty people (or just one of me). I could see and smell turkey with chestnut dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy -- my stomach took this time to rumble in protest, and I shushed it, promising that I'd at least get my poor, empty stomach some leftovers.

As I observed the food being put out on the table, I noticed that it was all western-styled food. I hadn't seen a japanese dish yet. And when the maids finished laying out the wonderful spread, I got suspicious.

The guest is quite possibly... American, like me?

I waited for something exciting to happen. After all, there was Kyouya in a fancy suit and all of this food -- surely something exciting was to happen, right?

I watched the clock above Kyouya's head tick by. Thirty minutes passed before I'd realized it, and I started to get nervous. Kyouya still hadn't moved an inch, hadn't eaten anything....

That was when a maid walked in the room. "Master Kyouya, I'm afraid your father has sent in a note saying that he apologizes for not making it tonight, but he is working on a big business deal over in America. He says he's sure you'll understand." With that, she exited the room.

Ouch. That's gotta be harsh.

Kyouya still didn't move, or even make a facial expression. He just stared at the doors.

Poor kid, he's in shock. I wish there was something I could do for him --

An idea hit me. Maybe thereis something I can do.

I bolted up the stairs and into my room, flinging open the armoire and searching for some formal attire. When there was nothing in there, I decided, What the hell, I'll venture into the closet., where I discovered many dresses of all different kinds. In the end, I chose a simple strapless black dress that had a small purple ribbon just below the bosom. It ran around the entire dress and included a small bow in the front. On the hanger was a pair of black, elbow-length gloves made of satin that I eagerly put on. I chose a pair of ballet flats that matched the shoes (black with a ittle purple bow on the edge where my foot was exposed) and flew back down the staircase to make sure that Kyouya was still there. I gave myself a once over.

Just my style. Well, I'll admit it is a bit too girly for me. But I do like the colors.

I took a deep breath to steady myself and opened the doors. "Well, this looks like it's a pretty huge feast for just one person -- mind if I join you?"

His surprised expression was priceless -- so much so that I burst out laughing.

"How did you know --"

"That you were eating here alone tonight? I have my ways." I put my hands on my hips. "Now are you going to invite me to sit down or what?"

He chuckled and patted the empty chair beside him. Immediately, a maid came out and assembled a place setting for me. I thanked her as she left and sat down.

"But really, how did you know that I was going to be here tonight?" He asked. Butlers came out and began to serve the food before Kyouya interrupted them. "No, no. That's all cold. Heat it all up, please." They bowed respectfully and started taking the food back to the kitchen.

"Well, I'll admit it. I kinda... sorta... spied on you." I blushed a bit as I said this, knowing that disclosing this particular information could possibly make him angry.

I watched as his face went from one of curiousity, to surprise, and finally, Kyouya started laughing. It was a deep, yet somehow light laugh that seemed to banish all of the shadows on the wall and any nervousness I had earlier. I joined in with him, the both of us laughing until we had tears in our eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Preview of things to come (aka the next chapter)! :

"Wait here," he whispered in my ear, his voice containing an almost seductive quality. "I'll go and get it."

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh seductiveness. I wonder what's going to happen.

Mwuah, <3