Status: Completed

Best Thing In Town


While in Buffalo for a benefit concert, Green Day meets a fledgling reporter, Audrey Lehsten, from the Buffalo News who is a little on the frazzled/frumpy side, but Mike takes a shining to her nonetheless. After the concert that night, Mike finds Audrey backstage with her press pass and looking nothing like she had earlier in the day. She looks amazing. They head out to a local Buffalo bar for some drinks, and one thing leads to another wherein they spend the night in Mike's hotel suite. But upon coming to her senses, Audrey lets him know nothing more can happen, and she leaves him.

Over the course of the next three months, Mike can't get Audrey out of his mind until he gets a phone call from her grandmother on Christmas Eve that Audrey is pregnant. Mike flies out to Buffalo a couple days later and after lenghty discussions, he brings Audrey and her four-year-old daughter back to the Bay area with him to be with her during the pregnancy.

It doesn't take long for the pair to really fall in love. They become engaged and a quick wedding is put together before the baby is born. After the birth of their daughter, life is good until the end of the year when tragedy strikes and leaves not once, but a few times.

And the ending will devastate not only Mike, but readers alike.