Can't Live If Living Is Without You

Chapter One

A month had gone by since Zack was released from the hospital and I was now two months pregnant. Not only was I two months pregnant but the rest of the girls were too.

I swear I think Dylan or Elizabeth put voodoo on us or something because they’re the only two who thought it would be cool for all five of us to become pregnant.

Sunlight poured itself into our bedroom and my eyes fluttered open. I turned to my left and saw Zack still sleeping with his mouth slightly parted allowing soft snores to escape. I lightly smiled and continued to look at the one man who truly loved me enough to take me back despite what happened.

He shifted in his sleep and rolled on to his back causing the blanket to move and reveal his bare chest where a dark red scar was running across his chest from the accident. I turned away and decided to get up. I rolled out of bed and walked towards the bathroom. I closed the door so I wouldn’t wake up Zack and started brushing my teeth. When I finished I took off my pajamas so I could take a shower.

I was almost done making pancakes when Zack’s footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs. I set the plate of bacon down on the table and went back to the pancakes on the stove.

“Morning babe,” Zack greeted while limping into the kitchen.

Ever since he’s been released I had to help him get used to walking again. He can walk on his own now, but he still had a limp to his stride which made me want to cry when he would try and keep up with the guys when they walked somewhere.

Zack stuffed a strip of bacon in his mouth and he spit it right back out on a napkin making me hold back a laugh that desperately wanted to come out. It was obvious that the bacon was still hot, but knowing Zack he thought with his stomach first instead of his brain.

I finished up the last of the pancakes and took off the stove. I brought the rest of the food over to the table and prepared a plate for Zack.

“Thanks babe,” he said.

“No problem, just don’t burn your tongue again,” I said and ruffled his bed head making it messier than it already was.

“Haha, very funny,” he sarcastically said and practically shoved more than half of his pancake in his mouth.

“I thought so too and so did the baby,” I said rubbing my stomach.

“Already turning our child into a hellion?” he asked.

I nodded my head and placed food on my plate.

During the middle of our breakfast we heard the front door being thrown open.

“Oh Bakers! We’re here!” Jimmy yelled.

I looked at Zack and raised an eyebrow.

“What?” he asked.

“Did you forget to lock the door?”

“No,” he replied.

“Did you put the spare key on top of the door frame again?”

“Of course not,” he answered and looked away.

That man is a horrible liar about the simplest things.

“Hey Zack, you need to quit hiding your spare key on top of the door frame it’s an easy place to find it,” Brian said walking in and putting the key on the counter.

“Thanks Brian,” he grumbled.

The rest of the guys filed in and greeted me.

“Oh bacon!” Jimmy squealed.

He stuffed bacon in his mouth and started to chew but a few seconds later he spit it out in the garbage.

“Holy fuck, those things are hot,” he said.

Laughter filled the kitchen and I got up from my seat to pat Jimmy’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry Jimmy, one day your brain cells will begin to work,” I said and placed my plate in the sink.

I walked out the kitchen to let the guys eat out the rest of the food. I went into the family room and saw the girls spread out on the couch watching T.V.

“Hello my fellow pregnant lady,” Elizabeth said.

“Oh shut it,” I said taking a seat next to Dylan.

“What are we doing today?” Nayja asked everyone.

“Let’s go shopping,” Miley suggested.

“How come? We’re going to get fat soon,” Dylan remarked.

“So what? We’re not fat yet so let’s go buy stuff,” Miley said.

“I’m going to change,” I announced.

I pushed myself off the chair and up the stairs to my room. I went to the closet and picked out a pair of dark blue jeans and a white tank top that had a pin striped vest to go with it. I took off my basketball shorts and slid on the jeans. When I tried buttoning them they couldn’t.

Fear filled my stomach because I knew what was happening, I was gaining weight.

Ten minutes and fifteen pairs of jeans later I pulled back on my shorts and stomped downstairs.

“I’m not going,” I said.

“Why not?” Nayja questioned.

“Because my jeans can’t fit!” I screamed.

I sat down on the couch, fuming that I couldn’t fit in my jeans. Than I started thinking that I wouldn’t get back to this size again after the pregnancy. I started crying and Zack came hobbling out the kitchen.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” he asked.

“My jeans can’t fit,” I sobbed.

I put my face in my hands and cried over practically nothing.

“Oh boy, the mood swings have arrived,” Johnny said.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here it is! The long awaited sequel. =)
I hope you guys make this one as popular as the first part.

