Can't Live If Living Is Without You

Chapter Ten

Another month had passed and my self, along with the rest of the girls, were seven months pregnant. Not only was I seven months pregnant and huge, but I was having mood swings and taking it out on Zack. He understood what was going on and took every insult I threw at him, which makes me feel even guiltier.

I was lying down on the bed when I felt my little girl kick me on the side.

“Zack!” I yelled in excitement.

Zack’s thundering footsteps came rushing up the stairs and he appeared in the doorway out of breath.

“What is it?” he asked.

“Come here,” I squealed and he rushed over.

He sat next to me on the bed as I rolled up my shirt. I grabbed his hand and put it on the side of my stomach. A few seconds later the baby kicked again, this time getting Zack’s hand.

“Was that?” he started to say and I nodded.

“Yup, that was our little girl finally saying hello to us,”

Zack laid down so his face was right next to my stomach. He rubbed my stomach and started to talk.

“Hey baby girl, this is your daddy talking. Your mommy and I can’t wait to see you in a couple of months. I’m pretty sure your mommy is more eager than I am,”

I chuckled and he looked up at me. He grinned and planted a kiss on my stomach before rolling my shirt back down and climbing up next to me.

“I love you,” he said.

“I love you too,” I grinned and ran my fingers through his hair.

“So, Mother’s Day is in a few days,” he casually said.

“Really? I forgot about that,”

“How can you forget about it? You’re going to be a mother,”

“But I’m not one yet,” I shrugged.

“Despite what you say, you’re getting something for Mother’s Day,”

“You don’t have to get me anything babe,”

“But I want to,”

“Fine,” I pouted.

He grabbed my face and crushed his lips on mine. He smacked my ass before getting off the bed with a big grin.

“Zack, what’s gotten into you?”

“Nothing, I’m just so excited that the baby’s almost here,” he said while doing a little dance.

I laughed at him from my spot on the bed. He climbed over me, letting his face hover a few centimeters over mine. He rubbed his nose against mine like how he used to when we first started dating.

“Come on, let’s go nursery shopping,” he suggested and climbed off of me.

“But, I’m so comfortable here,” I pouted.

“Please?” he pleaded while getting on his knees, folding his hands together and jutting out his bottom lip.

“Fine,” I caved in.

Oh come on, wouldn’t you cave in to a face like that too?

I rolled off the bed and Zack caught me before I could fall flat on my face. I waddled over to the closet and pulled on a pair of maternity pants and a white lace maternity shirt. I stuffed my feet into some flip flops and grabbed my bag.

I followed Zack down the stairs and we walked outside to his car. He helped me get inside his car and ran around to his side. He backed out of the driveway and took off down the road towards the Baby R’ Us store.

“So, are you excited?” he asked and grabbed my left hand in his right one.

“Kind of, not as much as you though,” I chuckled.

“Well, I had a lot of practice with Matt and Zina,”

“True, I only had myself,”

“Hey! What about me? I was there too,”

“Oh yeah,” I chuckled.

“I feel loved,” he pouted.

“You are, but you won’t be in the emergency room when I’m in labor,” I said as we parked in front of the baby store.

“How come?”

“Because, I’ll be in so much pain that I’ll be yelling at you not to stick your dick in me anymore,” I chuckled as we walked inside.

His eyes got wide and his mouth fell open. “But, I have to! Where else am I going to stick it in?”

“I don’t know a blow up doll?”

“But, that won’t be as fun as you. I won’t know if I’m doing well, or not because there’s not going to be any type of response coming from the doll!” he exclaimed.

A couple nearby gave us weird looks and rushed away towards another aisle. I laughed at Zack and patted his cheek before walking off. He came running after me and pleaded for me not to banish him from having sex with me. I tuned him out and started looking at cribs.

“Babe,” Zack whined and tugged at my hand.


“Promise me that we can continue making love after you have the baby,” he begged and gave me puppy dog eyes.

“I promise Zack,”

“Thank goodness,” he sighed and placed a hand over his heart.

I chuckled and we continued looking at the cribs lined up against the walls. We saw a few that we liked, but nothing really caught our attention.

“I actually like this one,” I said, finally stopping on front of a large crib.

“That is one huge crib,” Zack commented.

“Exactly, is she’s just like you, than she needs all the space she can get to move around and kick in her sleep,”

“I do not move around so much,” he shot back.

“Don’t you remember that night a few days before our wedding?” I asked.

I was resting peacefully on my side of the bed, feeling absolutely excited for the wedding that was to take place a few days from now. Zack was asleep on his side of the bed when he started to move around in his sleep like always. I shut my eyes so I can try to get some sleep so I can have enough energy for the dress fitting tomorrow. I felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach and I gasped.

Turns out, Zack’s big fat foot kicked me in my lower stomach. I turned on the light and saw him moving around in his sleep still. I grabbed my large pillow and hit him hard in the head.

“Ouch, what the fuck Natalia?” he grumbled.

“I should be the one saying ouch,” I snapped.

“How come?” he asked.

“Because your, monstrous foot kicked me in my poor stomach,”

“Oh, I’m sorry baby,” he apologized.

“I hope so. If you keep this up, you’ll probably kick out one of my poor ovaries,”

“What the fuck is an ovary?”

What an idiot. “An ovary is an egg inside of my stomach that your sperm attempts to fertilize every time we fuck,” I explained.

“Oh yeah, those soccer ball looking things that we saw in health class back in high school right?”

“Yes Zack, I have soccer balls swimming around inside of me as we speak,” I sighed and rolled my eyes.

I shut off the light and tried falling back asleep. Zack pulled me close to him and I rested my head against his chest.

“I love you Natalia,” he whispered through the dark.

“I love you too Zack,” I whispered back.

“Oh yeah, I guess I finally fertilized one of your soccer balls,” he chuckled.

“You’re such an idiot,”

“But I’m your idiot,” he smiled.

“Damn, I guess so,”

I looked down at my stomach and rubbed it before talking to the growing baby inside. “You hear that sweetie? Your father’s an idiot so never ask him or your uncles for help on homework,” I warned her.

In response she kicked me. “She completely agrees with me,” I said to Zack.

“Quit turning our baby into a hellion,”

“I’ll try,” I laughed and grabbed his hand.

I went on my tippy toes and pecked Zack on the lips.
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Guess what! Yesterday was my last day of school! I'm officially a Senior now! ^.^
So, that means I'm off for two months which means more updates. =]