Can't Live If Living Is Without You

Chapter Two

The girls and I entered the mall after I finally found a pair of pants that fit. We looked around and saw that Christmas decorations were already starting to come out since Thanksgiving passed about three days ago.

“Hey Natalia, what did you get Zack for his birthday?” Elizabeth asked and led us into a clothing store.

“Nothing yet. I have no idea what to get him,” I answered and looked through some shirts.

“Dress up in lingerie and have sex with him,” Dylan said while trying on some sunglasses.

My mouth fell open and I saw the girls nodding in agreement. I just shook my head and didn’t answer.

“Where are we having his party?” Nayja asked.

I just shrugged, having no clue where to put his party.

“Let’s go, there are no clothes here to fit our fat asses,” Elizabeth huffed and walked out the store with Miley.

“I told you guys we were getting fat,” I said on the way out.

“We’re not fat yet so calm down,” Dylan remarked.

The three of us caught up with Miley and Elizabeth who were looking at jewelry through the glass of Kay Jewelers. I went up behind them and looked at the rings and necklaces.

“Gees, I wish Matt would propose already,” Nayja whined and looked at a diamond ring in the corner of the display case.

“Why hasn’t he?” Miley asked.

“Who knows? All I know is that it sucks to be the only one in the group that’s not engaged or married,” she complained.

“Honey, I’m the only one married. Everyone else is engaged,” I said.

“It’s better than nothing,” she mumbled.

I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and told her that everything would be fine. I dragged her away from the glass and kept in mind to tell Matt off later.

I had just sat down at a table with a tray of food when my phone started going off.

“Hello?” I answered without looking at the caller I.D.

“Hey babe,” Zack said.

“Yes?” I asked and stuffed my face with fries.

“What’cha doing?”

I rolled my eyes because we’ve only been apart for two hours and he’s already calling.

“Having sex,” I answered, making the girls look up at me with raised eyebrows. ‘Zacky’ I mouthed and they nodded in understanding.

“With who?”


“Oh, very kinky,” he said and I could hear the smirk.

“I know,” I said with a smile.

“When are you coming home?”

“In a little bit why?”

“I miss you,” he childishly said.

I couldn’t help but grin at how adorable he sounded. I looked up and saw the girls making kissing faces at me.

“Quit it before I poke you guys in the eyeball,” I said.

I heard Zack laugh in the background and he told me that he’d see me later. I hung up the phone and glared at the girls.

“I hate you guys,” I said and started eating my burger.

“If that’s your way of saying that you love us than we hate you too,” Elizabeth commented.

I chose to ignore her because I didn’t want another mood swing to happen.

I unlocked my front door and waved at the girls as they drove off.

“Zack?” I called out.

I got no answer and called out louder just in case he didn’t hear me the first time. I kicked off my flip flops and went upstairs to the master bedroom.

“Zack?” I called again and put my bag on the dresser.

I heard the shower running and went to the bathroom. A smile crept onto my face when I heard Zack singing to him self. I inhaled the scent of his body wash and continued standing in the doorway when Zack shut off the water and stepped out. He wrapped a towel around his waist and jumped when he saw me.

“How long were you standing there?”

I shrugged and walked out the bathroom with Zack behind me. I threw myself down on the bed and shut my eyes.

“So did you have fun?” Zack asked me.

“Yeah, it was alright,”

“Did you buy anything?”

I opened my eyes and saw him looking at me through the mirror.


“Anything good?” he asked and dropped his towel.

“Not as good as your white ass,” I answered.

“Sexy isn’t it?”

He put on some boxers and I started laughing. I continued watching him get dressed and patted the spot next to me when he looked back. The bed sunk down as Zack came into bed. I turned on my side and Zack wrapped his arm around me. We stayed in a comfortable silence and I felt his fingers run through my hair.



“I love you,” he said while rubbing my nose with his.

I brought his face closer to mine and pressed my lips to his. I felt myself melt in his touch and kissed him one more time before I pulled away.

“I love you too,”

I dug my face into his chest and closed my eyes so I could take a much needed nap.
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Sorry for making you guys wait so long for an update but I started school last week and had no time but! I have a three day weekend so I'll be updating a lot.
