Can't Live If Living Is Without You

Chapter Seven

I continued to lean over the porcelain bowl and heave out all the contents that were in my stomach. I finished vomiting and flushed the toilet. I pulled myself up from the floor and brushed my teeth. I finished brushing my teeth and looked at myself in the mirror. My skin was pale and there were bags under my eyes. Sighing, I shut off the bathroom light and walked downstairs to get something to eat.

I walked into the kitchen and started up the coffee machine. I sat down at the table and waited for the coffee to finish. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was only four in the morning. I sighed and sat back in my seat, closing my eyes so I could catch a little nap while the coffee finished brewing.

“Natalia! Wake up!” someone screeched.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Dylan and Elizabeth standing over me.

“What are you guys doing here?” I asked and rubbed my eyes. I yawned loudly and stretched.

“Well your darling husband went on a rampage and snatched all our men away to go rant about something,” Elizabeth said and rolled her blue eyes at me.

“Where are the other two?” I asked them, referring to Miley and Nayja.

“Sleeping in the guest room,” Dylan said and poured herself some coffee.

“I thought you hated coffee?” I asked Dylan and poured myself some in a mug.

“I do, but it’s these cravings that have me drinking it,” she huffed and drank some.

“What time is it?” I asked.

“Half past seven,” Elizabeth said through a mouthful of blueberry muffin.

“That’s so fucking gross Liz,” Nayja said, walking into the kitchen and scratching her head.

Elizabeth stuck her tongue out at Nayja, revealing some more chewed up muffin. Nayja rolled her eyes and started raiding the fridge for something to eat. I continued to drink my coffee, waiting for one of the girls to ask me what happened between Zack and my self.

We heard a loud thud and someone curse. Footsteps shuffled against the ground and we saw Miley emerge into the kitchen with massive bed hair. She saw us looking at her and she sent us a confused face. We started laughing at her and she gave us the middle finger before raiding the fridge with Nayja.

“Go ahead and eat out my food, I have no problem with it,” I sarcastically said and put my mug in the sink.

“Thank you, we’ll help ourselves,” Miley said and grabbed a big container of pasta. She popped it open and started eating it straight from the container.

“Yuck, you don’t want to warm that up?” Dylan asked with a disgusted face.

“No, I’m craving something cold,” she shrugged and continued to scarf down the pasta.

“That’s so fucking gross,” Elizabeth said.

“So what happened between you and Zack?” Nayja said.

I sighed and got the magazine from the family room. I threw it on the counter and crossed my arms. “Zack thinks I’m cheating on him,” I sighed and felt the back of my eyes sting.

“What?!” they all screamed.

“Yeah, he believed that magazine and now thinks I’m cheating on him with Danny,” I explained. “I told him I wasn’t and that I loved him, but he doesn’t believe me” I said and felt my eyes tear up.

“Oh sweetie,” Dylan cooed and hugged me.

The tears finally fell out of my eyes and onto Dylan’s t-shirt. I felt the other girls give me hugs too and I started to sob uncontrollably, letting out all my anger and frustration. Eventually I started to calm down and I wiped away the few tears that remained on my face.

“Thanks guys,” I said to my girls.

“No problem. I say we have an all girls day today,” Miley suggested.

“Okay, where do you suggest we go?” I asked.

“How about the beach? We haven’t really spent a day at the beach by ourselves,” Elizabeth suggested.

“Sounds good, too bad we all look like whales!” Nayja yelled and threw a grape at Elizabeth’s head.

“Let’s just go shopping, or to the spa or something? I just don’t want to be here,” I told them.

“Sounds good to me, let’s go,”

I heard my phone vibrate in my bag and I grabbed it. The ID read ‘Matt’ and I raised an eyebrow. Why the hell would Matt be calling my phone instead of Nayja’s?


“Hey Nat,” I heard Matt say.

“Why are you calling me?” I asked and continued to let the older woman massage my back.

“Because Nayja refuses to answer her phone,” he huffed.

“Gee, I wonder why,” I sarcastically said.

“It’s not my fault. If you didn’t cheat on Zack than I wouldn’t have run off with him,” Matt said.

“I didn’t cheat on him!” I yelled, startling the lady.

“That’s not what he said,”

I huffed and hung up on him. How can he think that I cheated on Zack? He should know that I would never cheat on Zack, especially if I was pregnant with his kid.

“Nayja, tell your darling boyfriend that I’m going to turn his dick inside out,” I snapped.

“Why? What happened?” she asked from the other side of the room where she too was getting a massage.

“Because he just called and basically said that I cheated on Zack,” I said, once again feeling the tears wanting to come out.

“You serious?” Dylan asked.

“Yeah, I wanted to punch the shit out of him through the phone,” I said and wiped my eyes.

“You should’ve. Anything is possible when you’re pregnant,” Elizabeth said.

“Don’t cry Nat, I’ll talk to him later,” Nayja reassured me.

“Talk as in stab?” Miley asked.

“I hope so,” I added.

We finished up our massages and got up from the tables. We tied our robes up and walked out so we could go get some tans. We were too busy talking and laughing that I wasn’t watching where I was going and bumped into someone.

“Oh sorry,” I said to the person.

“It’s fine,” a deep voice said.

I looked at the person and nearly had a heart attack. This man was gorgeous. He had perfectly tan skin, short black hair, and the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen. He smiled at me, showing off a set of perfect teeth and an adorable pair of dimples.

“Miss, are you okay?” he asked.

“Oh yeah, sorry,” I said and shook my head, obviously embarrassed.

“Hey, aren’t you Natalia Baker? That one model who’s married to the guitarist from Avenged Sevenfold?” he asked.

“Yeah, I am,” I said.

“You’re more gorgeous in person than you are in pictures,” he smiled at me.

I felt a blush creep up to my cheeks and I bit my lip. I heard the girls giggle in the back and I took a deep breath.

“Well thanks, uh, what’s your name?”

“Mark,” he smiled again.

Oh man, if he smiled one more time, I think I might faint.

“Well thanks Mark,”

“No problem. If you weren’t married I would’ve taken you out on a date,” he said.

I felt my mouth drop open a bit and someone pushed it back up.

“Well, that’s nice of you,” I grinned.

“Just telling the truth. So, was it alright if I could have your number?” he casually asked me.

I bit my lip and looked at the girls for help. They shook their heads and I had to agree with them on that. I was already in enough trouble with Zack I don’t think I need to push my luck.

“Uh, that’s not such a good idea,” I told him with an apologetic look.

“That’s okay, can’t blame me for trying right?” he asked.

“Guess I can’t” I chuckled.

“Well can I just get a picture with you?” he asked.

“Sure,” I shrugged.

He took out his phone and handed it to Nayja. We posed for the camera and she took two or three pictures of us. She handed Mark back his phone and he thanked me. When he was walking away, everyone was, no doubt, staring at his ass. When he was out of view I turned back to the girls.

“Was he hot or what?” I asked with excitement.

“Hell yes, I was just about to jump him,” Dylan said in a serious tone.

“His eyes were so sexy, I think Zack had some competition,” Elizabeth said in a dreamy voice.

“Yeah, his eyes were like, hm, what were they like?” Nayja said to herself.

“They were like deep pools of sex!” Miley yelled.

Everyone started laughing and some people passing by gave us weird looks.

“Come on you horn dogs,” I chuckled and continued walking out to the patio where we could tan.
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Hope you guys liked it. =]
Tell me what you think.