Can't Live If Living Is Without You

Chapter Eight

After dropping the girls back home I pulled into my driveway and saw Zack’s car parked close to the garage. The only light on in the house was our bedroom light and I already knew he was waiting for me to come home. Sighing, I got out of my car and walked into the house.

“Hey Icky,” I said to Ichabod when he trotted over to me from the dark kitchen.

I picked up from the floor and walked out to the back yard so he could use the bathroom. I put him down and he ran off towards the corner near the big tree. I took a seat in a patio chair and watched the wave’s crash in the distance from over the fence. The moon was big and bright, giving the water a serene look.

I heard the back door slide open and close, but I didn’t bother looking back. I didn’t want to ruin my moment of peace by looking at Zack.

“Hey,” he quietly said.

“Hi,” I answered and crossed my arms.

He sighed and from the corner of my eye I saw Zack rub his face. “I’m sorry,” he apologized.

“Okay,” I simply said.

“Is that all you have to say?” he asked in astonishment.

“What do you want me to say Zack?” I sighed and finally turned to him.

“That you’re sorry for going out with Danny,” he said in a ‘duh’ tone.

“Okay, I’m sorry for hanging out with one of my friends,” I said and got up from my chair.

“Damn it Natalia, why do we always have to fight?” Zack asked, following me into the house.

“Because you never believe me and always overreact for the shittiest reasons!” I screamed and started to walk towards the stairs.

“I overreact because you never tell me the fucking truth! Just admit that you cheated on me with Danny!”

“I didn’t fucking cheat Zack!” I yelled, turning towards him. “I was catching up with him in New York because he ran into me at a café,” I said.

“The same day I flew over there and froze my balls off?” he asked and followed me up the stairs.

“Yes, and I wished I would’ve left you out there to fucking freeze to death,” I huffed.

“Thanks for being honest with me, now I know how you really feel,” he said.

I didn’t bother answering him instead I started taking off my clothes and walked into the bathroom to take a shower. My phone started ringing and I sighed before pulling on a robe. I walked back in the bedroom and saw Zack lying on the bed and flipping through the channels.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hey chica,” Nayja said.

“Hey Nay,” I said and sat on the edge of the bed.

“When’s the fashion show again?”

“I have to check, hold on,” I said and looked through my bag for the invite to the Victoria’s Secret fashion show I was to be in. I saw it and read the information.

“It’s two nights from now at 8,” I said.

“Okay, how many people can you bring in?”

“As much as I want, I’ll request tickets for everyone,”

“Okay, we’ll make sure to get the front seat next to the runway,”

“Okay, I believe you,” I laughed.

“Okay, I’ll let you go now,” she said.

“Bye,” I said and hung up the phone.

I threw the phone on the bed and got back up to take a shower.

“What fashion show were you just talking about?” Zack asked me.

“A Victoria’s Secret fashion show that I’m going to be in,” I answered.

“How come you didn’t tell me about it?”

I can give you a couple of reasons.

“It slipped my mind,” I simply answered and shut the door behind me and locked it before stepping into the shower.

The next morning I rolled over in bed and felt that Zack’s side was empty. I lifted my head and saw that he left a note on the pillow.

Went to the studio, don’t know when I’ll be back

The note didn’t even say ‘I Love You’ like it always does. I sighed and crumpled the note before throwing it out. I walked into the bathroom and decided to get ready for the day.

I walked out of the bathroom just as my phone was going off. I saw that it was my agent and quickly answered before it went to my voicemail.


“Hello gorgeous, are you excited for the fashion show tomorrow night?” he asked.

“I am to be quite honest,” I said and sat down at my vanity table to do my hair.

“So, today, all of the models that are to be in the show need to be at the location today for dress rehearsal,” he explained.

“Okay, I just got out the shower, so I’ll be there as soon as I can,”

“Okay, I’ll see you then,”


Tonight was the night of the fashion show and I was beyond nervous. Of course I had invited everyone and left a ticket on the coffee table for Zack, so whether he showed up or not was his business. Here backstage everything was hectic. Girls were running around, trying to find a missing shoe, their costume or whatever. I was currently sitting in my hair, getting my hair straightened and make-up done at the same time.

“You know, for a pregnant lady, you look better than half of these models here,” my hairdresser commented.

“Thanks,” I laughed.

Because of the pregnancy, my breasts had grown even more, so now I had the biggest breasts here and it was kind of hard to find upper pieces to fit me that wouldn’t be too tight. Speaking of too tight, I had to adjust the bra because it was squeezing my sides.

“Alright girls! It’s show time!” the director of this whole show shouted.

One by one the girls lined up and I was at the very end of the line. I took a deep breath and shook my arms and hands to release some type of tension.

The hostess made her little speech outside and the annoying, rave type music started blaring through the speakers. One by one the younger models walked up the small flight of stairs and strutted down the runway. When I got closer to the stage, I peeked out from behind the curtain and saw my big group of friends sitting in the first row, just like they said.

Elizabeth happened to glance in my direction and she saw my head peeking out from behind the curtain. She wave at me and slapped Johnny on the arm. He was whining to her until she pointed in my direction. He saw me and waved and told everybody else to look towards my direction. They each waved in my direction, but Zack had to be different and blew me a kiss. I bit my lip and straightened up when the girl in front of me walked on stage.

I counted her steps and threw off my silk robe. I took another deep breath and walked up the small flight of steps. I walked out with my hand on my hip and I was immediately exposed to the flashes of the cameras and the cheering from the crowd.

Please don’t let this lingerie ride up my ass or have my bra fall off I said in my head.

I started walking down the runway and I felt just like my old self again. I soaked in all the whistles and cheers being sent my way and I finally stopped at the end of the runway where the group happened to be sitting at. They all wolf whistled at me and Zack mouthed ‘I Love You’. I gave him a wink and I walked back, this time adding more movement to my hips. I faced the crowd one more time before going backstage where my set of lingerie was.

On the way over there, I took off my bra and took off the matching underwear, but part of it got caught on one of my heels. I quickly took it off and put on a lacy black bra with a frilly red outline. I pulled on the matching underwear and put on the black see through robe. I quickly hurried over to my position in line and waited my turn to go.

I walked on stage again and strutted down the runway. My straightened hair was flying behind me as I traveled down the stage. One again I reached the guys and I saw that they had their digital cameras and were taking pictures of me.

“Take it off!” Jimmy yelled and Dylan slapped him in the back of the head.

I sent them a genuine smile and walked backstage again. This time I pulled on some deep purple lingerie, knowing that Brian would go crazy over it and pester Miley into buying it for is pleasure.

Just as I predicted when the crowd saw me again, from a distance I could see Brian turn to Miley and point at me, no doubt, telling her to buy the set of lingerie that I was modeling.

When I got to their end of the stage I could faintly hear Brian say, ‘you have to get that babe’. I laughed and smiled at the cameras before going backstage once more.

The music switched to something more upbeat, something you’d hear in a club and it was finally something I would gladly model to. I pulled on my favorite set and grabbed the matching fan I was to hold. I went back on stage and I opened up the fan and started fanning myself off as I walked down the runway. I got to the end and fanned myself off again before tossing it to Zack. I winked at him like before and walked back, adding more swing to my walk.

The show had finally ended and I walked out of my dressing room in a pair of jeans and a somewhat nice top with a pair of flip-flops. I was done with heels for a while and I didn’t plan on wearing it on the journey home. I walked out to the parking lot and saw the group surrounding Matt’s truck.

I saw Zack standing there with a bouquet of white roses and I ran at him. I jumped on him and wrapped my legs around his waist. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck.

“You looked hot up there,” Nayja said.

“Aw, thanks,” I said and hugged her.

The rest of the group gave me hugs and compliments before saying their goodbyes.

“You ready to go home?” Zack asked me.

“More than ready,” I sighed and grabbed his hand with my free one.

“You looked absolutely gorgeous up there,” he said and kissed my knuckles before opening the door for me.

He came around the other side and started up the car before pulling out of the parking lot of the venue. He grabbed my left hand in his right one and he gave me a smile. He stopped at a red light and leaned over and kissed me.

“Get ready for a special night,” he smirked at me when he pulled away.

I bit my lip to contain my excitement and looked out the window so he wouldn’t see my blushing face.
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Woah, wayyy too long since my last update.
Sorry guys I really am. I just ran out of ideas and they finally came back, so I'll try and update more. =]

Tell me what you think for old times sake, please?