Can't Live If Living Is Without You

Chapter Nine

Four long months had passed and I was now six months pregnant and absolutely huge. Tomorrow the girls and I were scheduled to see what we were having so Zack thought it would be a great idea to go paint shopping today.

“Babe, you ready?” Zack called from downstairs.

“Yeah, hold on!” I called back and struggled to pull on my flip flops.

I hated being fat, because now I could hardly see my feet so it was a difficult task to match up my socks and shoes. I slowly got off the bed and grabbed my bag on the way out. I gripped onto the railing and carefully walked downstairs where Zack was sitting on the couch waiting for me.

Once he saw me he got off the couch and we walked outside. He opened the door for me before walking around to his side and starting the car before driving down the road. He grabbed my hand in his and I grinned at him.

“So, do you have an idea of what color you want the nursery?” Zack asked me.

“Nope, not yet. I was planning on waiting until after our appointment tomorrow,” I shrugged.

“What about yellow?” he suggested.

I scrunched up my face and he laughed once he saw it. “I don’t want to blind our poor child with all that yellow,”

“What about purple?”

“Babe, that’s something Brian would suggest,” I chuckled.

“Yeah, you’re right, but knowing Miley, she’d make him paint it blue,”

We finally pulled up to Home Depot and we got out the car. Zack grabbed my hand and we walked into the nice cool store and went straight to the paint aisle. We were joking and laughing on the way there until we heard two familiar voices.

“Babe, we have to paint it purple!” Brian’s said.

We turned the corner and saw Brian standing there with a can of purple paint in his hands while Miley stood with a can of blue paint in her hands.

“Brian, we are not making our child think he or she has been swallowed up by Barney!” Miley argued.

Zack and I started laughing and they both turned to us with sheepish looks on their faces.

“Damn, we should’ve bet on this,” Zack chuckled.

“I know,” I giggled.

“Oh my god Natalia, are you excited for tomorrow?” Miley squealed to me.

“Hell yeah I am! I can’t wait to see what we’re having,” I said.

“Hey babe, can we at least have some type of green in the baby’s room?” Zack asked with pleading eyes.

“Sure,” I shrugged.

“Baby, why can’t you be like Natalia?”

“Brian, I’ve had to suffer with stomach pains for the past six months and now I can’t even find anything to fit me anymore because you couldn’t keep it in your pants. In my opinion you have no more say in this matter,” she explained with her hands on your hips.

He opened his mouth to protest until voices interrupted him.

“Wow, you guys are here too?” Jimmy asked, coming around the corner with the rest of the gang in tow.

“Honey, if we’re having a girl, we are not putting flowers in the room,” Matt sighed to Nayja.

“Why not Matt?”

“Because, it’s so girly,” he whined.

“Well duh! She’ll be a girl. It’s not like if we have a boy I’ll put flowers in his room,” she argued.

I looked at Zack and we started laughing at our friends argue over their future children’s room’s.


Our whole gang took up the entire waiting room as we impatiently waited for our doctors to call us in the back.

Elizabeth had taken it upon herself to fall asleep right on top of Johnny. The girls read some baby books that were sitting on the table in the center of the room and the guys had brought a deck of cards to keep themselves occupied. A familiar feeling erupted in my stomach and I quickly got off the tiny chair.

“Hey, what’s wrong babe?” Zack asked me as he looked up from his hand.

“I have to take a piss,” I said and waddled to the bathroom.

When I finished, I walked back in the waiting room and saw that only Zack was in there.

“Where’s everyone else at?” I asked.

“They got called back and so did we but I told her that you were in the bathroom,” he explained.

“Oh, okay, let’s go,” I said and we walked through the door and down the hallway.

On our way back there we passed by some open doors where everyone else was situated and waiting for their doctors to start. I waved to the girls and we reached our doctor’s office. The nurse outside the door told us to have a seat. She left the office and I pulled out my phone and signed onto MSN. I saw that the rest of the girls were signed in too and created a chat room.

Nat: When the fuck are these doctors gonna start?

Elly: I have no idea, but Johnny keeps asking me and it’s starting to irritate me.

Nay: Kick him in the balls =p

Miley: Hey, what do you guys think you’re having?

Dylan: I’m hoping I have a girl.

Nay: I want a girl just so I could put flower’s in the room, lol

Elly: I want a boy so I could toughen him up

Nat: I don’t care what I have, I’m just ready to have all these stomach pains stop

Dylan: Well, Natalia is fatter than the rest of us, so I believe she’s having twins =p

Miley: LMAO!

Nat: You’re such a cock sucker

Nay: Doctor’s here, have to go now!

Nay has signed off.

Elly: Mine’s here too

Elly has signed off.

The rest of the girls said the same thing and I decided to sign out too. Just as I shoved my phone back in my pocket my doctor stepped in. the older woman smiled warmly at us.

“How are you guys today?” she asked.

“Fine,” Zack and I answered.

“That’s good. Alright, let’s get started. Natalia lie back on the bed please,” she instructed.

When she turned around to grab the gel to put on my stomach, Zack rolled his chair close to the bed.

“This looks like a familiar position,” he smirked.

“If it weren’t for this position I wouldn’t be fat right now,”

“Don’t complain, you weren’t that night,”

I opened my mouth to argue but he put his finger to his lips and pointed at the doctor who had come back. I lifted my shirt and she rubbed the cold gel over my growing stomach. She picked a part of the ultra sound machine up and started to roll it over my stomach. Zack grabbed my stomach and a few seconds later an image started to appear and the silent room was filled with a dull thumping sound.

“Okay, what you’re hearing right now is your baby’s heartbeat,” she said.

I felt my eyes begin to water a bit and I blinked back the tears.

“Alright, there’s the feet, the toes, the hands and fingers are right there, and here’s the head,” she told us as she pointed to each body part. “Would you guys like to know the gender?”

“Yes please,” my voice cracked.

“Well, Mr. and Mrs. Baker, you guys are having a girl,” she smiled at us.

My mouth fell open and my eyes watered up even more now and I started crying.

“I’ll leave you two to clean up and I’ll go print out an ultra sound for you guys to take home,” she said and walked out of the room.

“Oh my god baby, we’re having a girl,” Zack smiled and kissed me.

I sniffed and took the towel on the counter to wipe off my stomach. When I finished I pulled my shirt back down over my large stomach. The doctor came back in and handed us the ultra sound of our daughter.

We said our goodbyes and walked out. We passed our friend’s rooms and saw they were all empty except for one. When we got to the waiting room, we saw that Dylan and Jimmy were missing.

“Oh my god! What are you having?!” I excitedly asked the girls.

“I’m having a boy!” Elizabeth cheered.

“So am I!” Miley squealed.

“Matt and I are having a little girl. So that means I can put flowers in the room,” she smirked and Matt grumbled.

“I’m having a little girl too,” I said.

We girls hugged each other with tears coming down our faces and the guys congratulated each other.

“I wonder what’s taking Dylan and Jimmy so long,” Elizabeth said.

No one got a chance to answer because Jimmy came running out with a shit eating grin on his face while Dylan sulked after him. Jimmy jumped on Matt and kissed him on the face. Matt shoved him off and wiped his cheek.

“Hey man, what’s up?” Johnny asked.

“Baby, do you want to tell them the wonderful news?” Jimmy asked a still sulking Dylan.

“No,” she grumbled.

Jimmy cleared his throat before standing up straight and wrapping an arm around Dylan. “We my friend’s, are having twins, a boy and a girl,” Jimmy proudly said.

I started laughing extremely hard along with the girls and the guys gave us weird looks.

“What’s so funny?” Brian asked.

“While we were waiting for our doctors to come, we all signed into MSN and went into a chat room,” I started to say. “And we all started saying what we wanted to have and Dylan said I was the fattest out of all of us and that I was having twins,” I chuckled and than started laughing all over again.

“Oh shut the fuck up,” Dylan grumbled.

I continued laughing as we all exited the building. We all parted ways and I got into Zack’s car, with his help of course. He went around to his side and drove out of the parking lot.

“So, are you excited about having a little girl, Mr. Baker?” I asked Zack.

“Of course I am Mrs. Baker,” Zack answered and kissed my knuckles like he always does.
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Hope you guys like the update. =]