Forever And Always



It was a cold, rainy afternoon in the middle of November. School had just ended for the day and I was outside with Frank, my best friend. We had known each other for as long as I could remember and we were always getting into trouble. That’s where it all started, that afternoon. We were walking to our busses and I was clinging to him because I didn’t have a hoodie. We finally arrived at my bus and all the other busses were leaving. He pulled me into a tight hug and didn’t let go for a good minuet, which was rare for him unless something was wrong. I looked up at him and saw a tear slip from his eye. “I’m sorry.” He mumbled. I looked at him confused, “Sorry about what?” I asked.
“For leaving you…” his voice trailed off.
“Frank, what are you talking about?” I asked worried. Suddenly, everything around us disappeared and turned to black. He shoved me away from him roughly and looked to the ground. Another tear fell from his eye as he whispered those two words that tore me apart, “I’m sorry.” And he disappeared.

I sat up in bed and stared dimly at my alarm clock as it played the song Warmness On The Soul by Avenged Sevenfold. A tear trickled down my cheek as I slid out of bed. I went through my normal morning routine of picking out clothes and getting ready for school. Today I was wearing my black and white plaid skinny jeans and my A7X t-shirt and my worn-out Etnies. As I walked out the door, I grabbed a poptart, my DC hoodie, and my skateboard. I skated down to the buss stop and over to my friend Jackie. I went up behind her and put my head on her shoulder, still half asleep. She rolled her eyes and laughed at me.
“Somebody’s tired.” She said poking me. I squealed when she poked my pressure point and glared at her and then started cracking up. The laughter didn’t last long because as soon as I calmed down, the dream started coming back to me. I started spacing out, staring at the pavement as the bus pulled up. Jackie slapped my arm and snapped me out of my trance and dragged me onto the bus. We sat down and I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes.
“Okay, what’s wrong?” Jackie asked determined to find out.
“Dream.” I mumbled not willing to talk about it, as usual.
“Oh.” She said immediately knowing what I was talking about. I nodded with a dull look on my face. She scooted closer to me and hugged me. I smiled half-heartedly and hugged her back. The bus pulled to a stop and we walked into the school. As the day went by, nothing special happened, same as usual. This also included me almost beating up some stupid popular slut for cussing at me and my friends. I trudged over to my locker, got my backpack out, and kicked the door shut. I pushed through the crowd of people and found my way to the door. As I was walking around I found Jackie waiting for me by the bus. I ran onto the bus and threw my stuff down and then left to go see my friend. We hooked arms and walked in between the rows of busses. We were laughing and joking around for a while and then there was a silence between us. “When was the last time you talked to him?” Jackie asked breaking the silence.
I looked at her confused for a moment and the realized what she was talking about.
“About two years ago I think.” I said glumly. She gave me a quick hug as we walked onto the bus. As we sat down, her face brightened and she smirked as she got an idea. “How about tomorrow we drive to the mall in the corvette my dad gave me?” she asked trying to cheer me up a bit, and it worked.
“Hell Yeah!” I almost yelled. For the rest of the bus ride home, we laughed and talked about what we were gonna blow $100 on at Hot Topic and Spencers. The bus stopped and we got off and said our goodbyes and I skated home. I walked in the house and leaned my board against the wall and threw my backpack on the table. I started to walk back to my room when my mom caught my arm. “Natty, there’s something I have to tell you.” She said excitedly. I rolled my eyes when she used the nickname I hated most.
“What is it?” I asked with a bored look on my face.
“We’re moving to Jersey!” she said excitedly. My eyes went wide and filled up with tears. I ripped my arm out of her grasp, ran back to my room, and slammed the door as hard as I could. Tears were streaming down my face. I grabbed my ipod and shoved the earbudds in my ears and turned it on. I sat there for the next hour in the dark, crying. Jackie was the only friend I had left; I didn’t want to loose her too.