Forever And Always

The Accident

I slowly opened my eyes and realized what happened last night wasn’t a dream. I wrapped my arms around Frank and scooted closer to him. As I started to close my eyes I had a flashback of when we were five years old.

I was sitting on the hammock in my back yard looking at the clouds and drinking Cherry Coke. I grabbed my guitar that was leaning on the tree and started playing I Wanna Be Sedated by The Ramones. Frank had just taught me the song the day before and I wanted to get it down perfectly. “You’re getting a lot better!” he said from behind me. He had just come over and was going to be staying the whole day. I smiled at my friend and put the guitar down next to the tree as he climbed on the hammock and kissed me on the cheek. I grinned and said “EWW! Frankie germs!” jokingly. We laughed and I kissed him back. Even as little kids I loved him and we were closer than ever. He grabbed my hand and we lied down on the hammock looking at the clouds. “Hey Nat,” he paused trying to figure out what to say. “Yeah?” I asked. “Will you promise always to be my best friend no matter what?” he asked hopefully. “Yeah, I promise.” I said with a grin.

I snapped out of my flash back when someone started poking my forehead. “Psssssst!!!!!!!! Naaaat! Wake up! Pssssssst!” Frank whispered loudly. “I can see you haven’t lost your five-year-old side.” I mumbled annoyed. “Of course not!” He yelled hyperly. I rolled my eyes and sat up. “Yay! You’re awake!” he giggled like a fiver year old and flung his arms around me. I hugged him back and kissed him on the cheek. He grinned and kissed me back. “Okay come on Shorty, let’s go get some grub.” I said teasingly. Apparently he didn’t find it too funny cause he glared at me. “Don’t call me that.” He growled at me. “Chillax Short-Stuff.” I said just to piss him off and kissed him on the lips as he was about to yell at me. He relaxed and put his arms around my waist. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and explored every inch of it. I slid my hand up the inside of his leg and started rubbing him through his boxers. He moaned and started planting kisses down my neck. I rubbed him a little more until he had the biggest boner I’d ever seen. I pulled away and grinned mischievously. “See, you can’t stay mad at me.” I smirked looking at his erection. I laughed and went down stairs to see the guys. I walked into the kitchen where Gerard and Bob were making waffles. “hey guys, what’s up?” I asked. Just as they were about to answer, Frank (and his boner) walked by the kitchen and mumbled “Nat you’re a fucking tease.” He then walked into the bathroom and started jerking off. I looked at the guys and we all cracked up laughing. “What did you do?” Gerard asked between laughs. “Do I really need to explain?” I laughed. We all sat there laughing for a good five minuets, non-stop. Finally after we all calmed down, Frank walked out of the bathroom. “What’s for breakfast?” he asked causally “Whatever’s in the pantry.” Bob shrugged since we had eaten all the waffles. Frank made a bowl of cereal and sat down as everyone started chatting. “Hey Nat, we’re gonna go to The Guitar Center today, wanna come?” Gerard asked. “Hell yeah!” I shouted excitedly. I finally had enough money saved up and I was planning to buy the Schecter Synyster Custom. We all piled into Gerard’s truck and I sat on Bob’s lap since there were no seats left. I plugged in my iPod and started blasting the song Cowboys From Hell by Pantera. The whole way to The Guitar Center, we were all singing the song over and over again and Frank poked me non-stop. Finally he stopped but then he squeezed my side and I jumped, hitting my head on the ceiling. “I swear! You two-year-olds are gonna make me crash!” Gee complained. We all laughed as the truck pulled into the Guitar Center parking lot. Frank opened the door and we raced into the building. I stood in the middle of the store and looked around until my eyes finally rested on it; the Schecter Synyster Custom. It was hanging at the top, covered in dust. Just as I was about to ask someone to get it for me, my phone rang and the song Vampire Heart by H.I.M. starts playing, it was Jackie. “Hey babe!” I said cheerfully. I heard a sob on the other end of the line. “Sweetie, what’s wrong?” I asked concerned. “Parents….car wreck…….d-de-de….” Her voice trailed off into more sobs. “Okay, Jackie, take a deep breath and tell me what happened.” I said worried. “My parents died in a car crash.” She blurted out and continued sobbing. “Can I stay with you?” she asked hopefully. “I don’t have anyone to stay with.” I told her to hang on a minuet and gave Frank the money for the guitar and told him to buy it. “Gerard, can you do me a favor?” I asked hopefully. “Of course.” He replied. “Ok can you drive me to Virginia, my friend Jackie’s parents got in a car wreck and I need to pick her up, she has no one to stay with.” I said all in one breath. “Sure.” He said worried. I told Jackie that we were coming to get her and to pack her things as Frank paid for the guitar. We all ran out to the car and Gerard went speeding down the road. I was sitting on Bob again and I started leaning on Frank. I closed my eyes as Frank wrapped his arms around me. “Frankie, wake me up when we’re there.” I mumbled and drifted off to sleep.
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For anyone who is reading this, i know chapter 3 has a crappy ending. anywho, i'm gonna get chapter 4 up within the next few days. :]