We Don't Fight Fair


"Brendon, wake up." Ryan mumbled, pushing on the younger boy's shoulder.

"I miss the way you used to wake me up." Brendon yawned, thinking of their first tour, when Ryan woke him of with soft kisses and promises of love forever (as long as he got up right now) whispered in his ears.

Before Ryan decided they should be "a little more subtle" while on tour. Before he got awhore girlfriend.

"Brendon," Ryan sighed, obviously annoyed, "get up."

"I know you don't love me anymore- which makes you a liar, by the way, -"Brendon stretched and continued, looking straight at Ryan, "but seriously? We should still be fucking, at least."

Ryan snorted and hurriedly planted a kiss on the younger boy's cheek.

"You know how I feel about you, Bren," he said quietly, looking away. "I told you, as soon as we're done with Panic..."

"Can I just quit so we can be together, then? I'm sick of pretending. And Keltie pisses me off."

"Are you both fully clothed?" Jon's voice came through the door of the bus leading to the bunks.

"Yes, Jon," Ryan called back, annoyance clear in his voice again.

"Okay," The bassist called back, opening the door. He leaned in the doorway and stared at his band mates for a minute.

"...Um, yeah?" Brendon asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"Wha-? Oh. Zoned out, sorry. Um, we gotta go, in like, 20. So, Spencer told me to tell you guys to get dressed and whatever..." he trailed of and Ryan nodded. Jon turned and went back to the front of the bus.

"See? Even Jon and Spencer think we should be fucking."

"Brendon, shut up." Ryan rolled his eyes before standing and following Jon. "And get up, please," he threw back before exiting.

The singer sighed and sat up, rubbing his eyes.

How am I supposed to sing if I have to shut up?
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments. Please? O_O

I'm writing the next chapter now...