If Words Are But Words

I'll paint you a artwork, a masterpiece of blood

“Hey, you’re here” I said seeing Jade sitting on the ground, Ian sprawled beside him, head on his lap, hand over Jade’s.
“Yeah, he told me not to leave then he fell asleep” Jade said, looking down at Ian with a smile, brushing his platinum fringe from his thin face.
“Well, if you wanna go back to your bus and get some sleep I’ll stay with him” I offered, half just not wanting Ian to get attached to anyone else. It made me feel sort of selfish and guilty.
“Oh thanks, I’m so tired” he yawned, covering his mouth with his hand. He carefully placing Ian’s head on the ground, trying his best not disturb the sleeping limp body.
“Hey, no problem” I grinned.
“Night” Jade waved and faded off into the darkness of the night, the only thing still visible being the glow of his peroxide fringe.
I noticed Ian, in his sleep, making desperate grabs for where Jade had been.
His breathing got quicker and he sat bolt upright, wheezing.
“Ian, Ian breathe” I panicked because he panicked. I do that, I hate to see anyone in pain, I guess I sound like a church choirboy but I hate seeing people sad.
His eyes were wide and he looked alarmed, bottom lip quivering, hands trembling. I grabbed him and held him close to me, unsure what else to do to calm him down. His breathing returned to normal but he remained gripping tightly onto my shirt, his fingers digging into my skin.
“Ian, baby, its ok. It’s just me, Frank” I tried calming him down. Crap I just called him baby again, didn’t I? I really got to stop doing that, but it’s a subconscious thing I guess.
He spun quickly to face me, “Where’s Jade?” he choked out. My heart sunk like the unsinkable titanic, he didn’t even want me here as his friend, he wanted Jade.
“He went back to his bus cause he was tired, I’m here though, ok” I replied, he loosened his grip and sat upright, further from me.
“Sorry I just-I don’t know-I...” he stuttered, shaking, his words mostly inaudible and murmured.
“Baby, baby shh, it’s ok I’m here. Whatever’s wrong it’s gonna be ok, it’s gonna be alright...it’s all gonna be alright baby” I held his face into my chest; he stopped shivering and nuzzled into my thinning shirt. I couldn’t imagine it could be that warm but I don’t think it really mattered.
“Promise?” he asked, pulling in closer to me. My chin rested on his soft chocolate-brown hair.
“I promise” I smiled but then felt something on my stomach. I pulled back for a moment and stared at my shirt. Red blots were obvious against the fading grey. I squinted, it looked like blood, and knowing Gee as long as I have I’m pretty good at telling blood...that and my constant injuries.
What the? I stared at Ian, I could see red on his shirt too.
“Ian, is that blood on your shirt?” I asked, Even I could notice the shaking of my hand as I pointed to the blurs of deep red.
“Maybe you should go back to your bus too” he replied, defensively. He shuffled away from me and pulled his knees up to his cheast.
“Ian, why is there blood on your shirt?” I stood over him and tried to remove his arms which were now tightly around his knees.
“N-no there’s not” he replied in the most unconvincing tone I’d ever heard, not blinking the entire time.
He stood up rapidly and pushed me back, I stumbled and fell on my butt.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” he shouted then ran out the door.
“Ian, wait!” I called after him and staggered to my feet.