If Words Are But Words

“It was heroic, I didn’t panic once”

Chapter dedicated to Daylight's Death, iluvzachyvengance and Bassists are Sexy ^_^

“Sweet! Thanks” I said happy to have my head unstuck.
I waved good bye to the fire department and they just smiled. Some even asked for autographs. I just realized how shame-job that is...it’d be like ‘I met Gerard Way the other day’ ‘Oh wow, when?’ ‘When I had to get his head dislodged from a window’
“Where’s Ian? I bet he’d think my story was interesting” I asked the band, most of which weren’t listening anyway
“Oh, he’d probably think it was heroic knowing him” Bob said sarcastically
“It was heroic, I didn’t panic once” I said proudly.
Mikey opened his mouth but then I guess he decided it was best to shut up.
“I saw him after we performed by a merch stand” Ray said, not paying much attention as he was side tracked on his lap top. Probably doing some master mind techy stuff. Just give me a microphone and I’m good.
“Yeah, he was then he went to talk to Davey” Frank said bluntly. He seemed kinda ‘off’ like he wasn’t himself
“Davey was amazing up there” I said, recalling Davey’s performance
“So I heard” Frank snubbed.
“Uh...ok?” I replied to Frank, unsure what his problem was
“Ha, that sounded so bitter. I’m just tired” Frank said with a wide smile but his eyes didn’t shine like they usually did. Stop reading so deep, I thought to myself.
“Maybe you should, ooh god I dunno, sleep?” Bob teased
“Yeah, I think I might” Frank said softly and headed to his bunk.
“He seem off to anyone else?” I asked in a low whisper after Frank was asleep
“You read to deep Gee” Mikey said sipping his coffee
“I guess so” I shrugged.

Sorry it's short but next we hear from [buh buh buh] Davey