If Words Are But Words

"He’s just another fan”

“Oh yeah, Lostprophets, right?” I asked the Welsh singer as I stared and my nails. Dammit one had chipped.
“Wow, you know me” he laughed, “oh god I just realized how teenie girl that sounded. Oh ma gawdz like Davey Havok knows who I am like...like!”
I couldn’t help but laugh this Ian guy was just like any other fan.
“Oh god, I’ve seen enough teenie girls to last a lifetime” I rolled my eyes
“Even me” Ian replied with puppy eyes
I just shook my head and smiled, if you’re mean to someone famous and it gets out you’re a complete a-hole people don’t seem that fond of you.
“Davey? DAVEY?” I heard someone call to me. I turned to see Jade standing there stupidly, looking like a lost little kid.
“Jade I’m here” I laughed. He looked around for a moment then spotted me and rushed over.
“What’s your problem?” I asked, smiling at his confused look
“I couldn’t find you so I feared for the worst,” he puffed, “rape by teen girls” he screeched stupidly. At this point Ian was in hysterics.
“Who’s he?” Jade asked, pointing in Ian’s direction
“Ian Watkins, from that Welsh band Lostprophets” I replied, hoping to god I got that right. He didn’t object so I figure I did pretty well.
“Hey Jade” Ian smiled
“Hey...Ian?” Jade had a terrible memory for names, but great when it came to remembering useless facts
“Hey Davey, we gotta go back to the bus soon cause Hunter and Adam said they’re gonna leave without us” Jade pointed out
“Leave with out us?” I had the feeling I was supposed to remember something but nothing was coming to mind
“We’re gonna go have real food instead of take-out...remember?” Jade reminded
“Oh yeah. Ok, well I guess I should be going. See ya Ian” I waved
“Nice to meet ya” he said then left.
I watched as he walked off past the merch stands back to the other end of the parking lot.
“What’s with him?” Jade asked after we’d walked in silence for a while
“What do ya mean?” I asked, not paying much attention to Jade
“Never mind” Jade shook his head, his peroxide blonde fringe falling over his eye.
“What, he’s just another fan” I said casually and flicked my hair...yeah like a gay boy diva. Deal.