If Words Are But Words

There’s more Barbie dolls in Italy than Canadians

“Mmm, real food” I clapped my hands, black painted nails a blur. Well, when you’re on tour for this long real food is an exciting and rare event, ok.
“What took you so long?” Adam asked, half asleep.
“Dunno” Davey replied with a shrug, sounding barely interested enough to stay awake.
“Davey was talking to some Welsh guy” I said sitting down at the restaurant. The chairs were weird, kinda ugly too. Ew, ugly chairs...i told Hunter to go to the other restaurant...the one with nice looking chairs. I think about chairs too much...
“Welsh guy?” Hunter asked, raising an eyebrow, appearing somewhat interested. I bet he was just trying to divert his attention from the ugly chairs...come to think of it the tables are ugly too.
“Yeah, that Ian kid from Lostprophets or something” Davey said, pushing his food around on his plate with his fork, probally trying to catch his reflection in it. I giggled to myself...well as Davey tells me, As long as you think you’re funny, Jade.
“Ian Watkins, right?” Adam asked
“Yeah that one” Davey replied stealing some food off my plate
“Weird...” Hunter paused, “Why?”
“Dunno, he just started talking to me” he said casually.
Conversation was extinct for about ten minutes then and I hated awkward silence so I felt my duty to fill it.
“Did you know there’s more Barbie dolls in Italy than Canadians in Canada” I said with a smile
“What the hell” Adam laughed
“It’s true” I nodded, proud of myself for knowing something so useful.
“Well thank god I now know that or else I might’ve died” Hunter said dryly. I grinned at him and he just shook his head and laughed.
The rest of the dinner was fairly uneventful. Not boring, just uneventful...well except when that waiter slipped over and his face fell in that cream cake...that was funny.

Jade's POV is told a little differently to everyone elses due to the slight randomness of Jade, lol
Oh and in case you were wondering the facts about the barbies is true by the way XD