If Words Are But Words

Too pudgy to be wearing those tight pants

“Dude is that the Welsh kid?” Hunter asked as I lay in my bunk.
What the feck? Ian? Again? What the hell was with this damn kid? I shut my eyes to pretend I was still sleeping but Jade pulled back my bunk curtain, letting in the stream of bright light.
“JADE! You wanker!” I screeched making a grab for the curtain. He hung from his bunk, the one above mine, smiling and shaking the curtain just out of my grasping range.
“Davey! You’re up! Hey I didn’t know if you would be or not so I figured I’d just drop in on my way past” Ian smiled, every tooth showing. Feck, he had a retarded smile, it reminded me of a child’s smile.
“Yeah I’m up,” I shot a glare at Jade who was sidetracked by a dog chasing it’s own tail out the window anyway. I heard Jade run off to tell Adam he wished he had a tail so he could chase it all day long.
“Sweet, uh do you wanna hang out or something cause today’s a break and all” the welsh guy said, still smiling like a complete d*ck.
“Sure” I forced a smile and clambered out of my bunk, trying to look for a way out of this.
“So Davey what do you wanna do?” Ian asked, stilling grinning.
“Uh, I don’t care” I replied studying hi features. Ugh, his foreheads too high, his hair doesn’t sit right at the top, his fringe has a kink in it, his nose is too straight, his eyes are too small, he’s too pudgy to be wearing those tight pants...god this was gonna be a long day.

His hair is so shiny, it sits so nice, god he’s so thin, his eyes are so pretty, his tattoos are so nice, his eyebrows are so perfectly arched. God today was gonna be a good day. I could just tell.
“You hungry?” I asked as we walked along the dirt ground in Philly.
“Yeah, kinda” he replied staring distantly at the pebbles that scattered the ground.
“There’s apparently a really nice place that has really nice muffins around here” I replied, remembering he liked muffins in an interview. Oh god do I sound like a stalker or what, hell he’s just gonna be like ‘uh you’re a creepy stalker, leave me alone’ any minute now.
“Sure, whatever” he replied. He didn’t think I was a creepy stalker after all. Oh thank god.
“So how do you like touring with so many bands?” I asked, making casual conversation as we waited for our orders.
“Yeah it’s...” he paused and pushed some hair behind his ear, “it’s uh, good” he finally finished.
“Yeah, it’s pretty sweet. Coming from Wales and all I don’t usually get to meet this many bands and everything” I replied.
Finally the food came and I battled myself to stop watching him across the table. He ate so daintily, like one of those posh upper class women. Is it weird I’m noting how someone eats? Dear god yes, hell get a hold of yourself, Ian.

SIDENOTE: it's really hard to think of
things wrong with Ian. so i do apoligize to
Ian...if for some weird reason he happens
to come across this...reading fan fics...yeah
just weirded myself out then but yeah lol...
also Ian's really skinny and pretty so i had to
make up imaginary things wrong with him ...
and i also apoligize for making our lovely
charming Davey a bit of a weinerhead...and
Gee a complete tool XD