Sequel: Danger Zone

Cannibal Red


But it didn’t hurt, in actual fact, it felt good. He didn’t bite me, he kissed me. He tasted like he wanted it, and I liked that, because I wanted him too. He reached around and pressed his soft fingertips to my neck, breathing rushed, and hearts racing.

The trip home was slightly awkward, but it was a cute awkward, where we stole glances at each other every so often. Tyler kept touching his lips, then looking at me, leaning over his seat to say something whenever we reached lights but not saying anything, just looking at my lips and then sitting back in his own seat, looking defeated, yet smirking to himself.
When we arrived at my house, I noticed my mum’s car still wasn’t there, so Tyler stayed watching me for longer, his eyes still weird like he had looked at me back at the monastery. Maybe he didn’t really want to eat me back there.

“Lee…” he whispers “I’m sorry that, he wasn’t…we wasted time.”

He spoke as if it was his fault that we had expected this guy to be my infector. I moved over, taking off my seatbelt and stroking his cold cheek with my warm fingertips.

“Tyler, it wasn’t your fault that he wasn’t who we were looking for.”

He stares at me guiltily, still obviously convinced it was his own fault. “Lee…”

“Shh…” I hush, pressing a finger to his lips and leaning my forehead against his. “Whoever it is, we’ll get them, you and I; together.”

He smiles and hisses softly against me, it wasn’t one to ward me off, but to bring me closer. I leaned in for a second time that night and kissed him, and his fingers crawled up from my hip to my neck like a spider. I shivered and felt him smirk against my worried lips. He was enjoying me squirm, I was nervous.

“Lee, I have to tell you some-”

Suddenly Tyler’s voice was interrupted by headlights coming down the street, beaming hugely.

Shit, mum.

I knew it was hers, mums lights were always too bright. I quickly removed Tyler’s hands from me and pushed open his car door, him calling out protests.

“GO!” I mouth, waving him away and rushing toward the house.
Not before I see the scared look on his face as he passes my mother on the road.

That night I sort of felt like a normal teenager again. I’d gotten inside quick enough for mum not to see me, but the scare that Tyler and I might have gotten caught gave me a thrill that took away the aching pain in my lips.

Unfortunately, kissing Tyler wasn’t like a normal kiss. I remembered back to the time when I’d tried to bite him, but I’d just gotten sick instead. Now, when I kissed him, it wasn’t the exact same pain, but it was still terrible, it ran back and forth between my lips, zapping me. The longer we kissed, the longer the pain lingered on my lips afterwards.
But yet I still enjoyed it. I didn’t tell Tyler about the pain, because I didn’t know whether the same thing happened to him. I felt kind of stupid.
Why did it hurt when I kissed him anyway? It’s not like we were eating each other or anything, no matter how it might look like that from a distance or something.

Sleep that night was restless.

I’m so hungry…bite, bite, rake, rake, and flesh…so hungry…deliciousness…more…so hungry…

I dreamt that I had become a fully fledged Vampire like Adrienne. But I wasn’t taking any pills. Tyler had screamed and scratched at me, telling me he never wanted to touch me again for some stupid reason.
I’d gone out in the cold rain, gone down the alleyway where I had first run into Tyler and sat in the darkest corner possible, scratching away my face, screaming that I didn’t want to do this anymore, I didn’t want to live off human remains, I couldn’t stand this life…

It was when I woke soaking wet that I realized that that might not have been a dream.