Sequel: Danger Zone

Cannibal Red

Daddy’s little secret.

After a moment of silence as we all got comfortable…which didn’t happen anyway, considering we were now sitting on a steel operating table with animal and human bones scattered around us.
Hector had held out his hand at Adrienne and received a large bottle of brown liquid. He grinned and led us over to the operating table, muttering things.
The table was steel and cold, but Hector didn’t want to share his bloodied bed with us. Even if Adrienne had snuck him down some alcohol.

Adrienne explained that Hector was the one who had bitten her. He was over three hundred years old, and he didn’t age because he was such a full blown Vampire.
Hector had been one of the leading scientists to try and find a cure Cannibalism, but he had gone so insane himself, that he had made his own underground room underneath his apartment. The owners had just thought he’d lost it and moved out, so they re-rented the place to loads of owners, but only Adrienne had stayed in the place for more than a month. When she almost got eaten from trying to take a shower, she became a Super-Cannibal, and her and Hector sort of became friends…in a weird way.

Now, I sat, staring at the both of them. What did any of this have to do with me? Why were there men upstairs looking for me?

Adrienne spoke, lifting her head and moving her hand around so that it was clutching mine again. “Do you remember how your dad died?”
I nodded. How could you forget a thing like that?
“You’ve always had Cannibal blood in you, it’s just that when you were bitten, you reacted the Cannibal blood in you and you became one of us,” Adie points between her and Hector “but not entirely one of us.”
I stare at her, and she bites her lip, looking fearfully at Hector, who hadn’t said anything so far. "So dude you got this one, the white cannibals, this other evil part, the red cannibals, we took them on and won. Thing is, there's one"
My heart was racing, I didn’t understand fully, so I glanced at Hector. He finally opened his mouth to speak.
“Your father was the last remaining Red Cannibal in the world Lee. He passed his blood onto you when you were born. He didn’t hang himself for no reason, he didn’t want to be caught. The Red Cannibals aren’t supposed to be alive; the white eliminated them long ago because they wanted to be the superior race. Those men upstairs aren’t going to let you just run away, they need you dead.”
I stare at Hector; my heart was beating so fast I thought it could have jumped out of my chest. “But…it can’t be me…why me?”
Hector shakes his head. “Don’t you understand Lee?”
I swallow and look back to Adrienne who looked so guilty. “Lee, we’ve been lying to you for ages. We know who bit you, we know how you got activated, I work for Verat, the company that’s really running this, I was told to pretty much lead you on a wild goose chase.”
I bite my lip, they’d lied to me? Everyone wanted to kill me, and now I knew it. Even Tyler had lied to me; he was the one leading me on this ride of pathetic excuses.
Oh god, I hated him. He’d made me feel sorry for him; he’d made me like him when he probably didn’t even like me back. I jumped up suddenly, and then turned around to see Adrienne and Hector looking at me almost sadly. At least Adie was, I wasn’t sure what was going on behind those glasses of Hector’s.
“Why would you do that?” I hissed, feeling hatred build up inside me even more.
“I didn’t want to Lee,” Adrienne said, advancing towards me, to try and touch me. “It was my job, they’d have killed me if they knew I was helping you.”
She tried to hug me, but I ducked out of the way and hissed at her, I grabbed the cold dark wall and sank into the shadows. I knew they could see me, but I slid down the wall anyway. My stomach tightening as I felt a trickle of tears falling down my cheeks.
“I hate you." My words rang around the room like an echo, everything suddenly went silent.
For the first time since I’d found out who I was, which isn’t really who I am anymore, I felt totally alone.
I could never trust anyone anymore, my life was empty as an alcoholic’s glass, and I didn’t like it. There was no way I could go back from here.

The day we die will be the day that we finally realize how stupid we all were for not leaving things the way they were. Except the thing with this is that we’re dead, not coming back. Ever. It’s virtually impossible to torture ourselves with the thought that we might have done the wrong thing and fucked things up so much that it might be our fault.
All our fault.
Back when we were all forced to do nothing but look after our existence there were two types of Super-Cannibals.
There were the white, and the red.
Today we only ever know of the white cannibals, the ones who had larger numbers and were selfish enough to start an entire god damn war.
The white were superior, and they wanted to get rid of the entire red race forever. You see the white cannibals, although they had larger numbers, were not as strong and smart as the red cannibals. Plus, they could blend better into the world of humans and be able to act if they too were human.
The only reason the white cannibals won the war, or “Kreed’siar”.
The End.

You may not know about us, but our existence keeps you alive. We are a way of life. No amount of controlling us is going to stop us eating your bank manager, your neighbor, your sister, and your parents.
You may think that by killing us all, it’s going to make things a lot better, but you’re just going to make it worse.
People are still going to murder, people are still going to be horrible to each other, people are still going to manipulate, and worst of all, people are still going to love each other. More each day.

So now I’m screwed up, because I’m not supposed to be here, my dad isn’t supposed to be dead, and the whole world is going to turn insane if I don’t get up and do something.