Sequel: Danger Zone

Cannibal Red

Tyler's New Plan

I remember a time when I was small and I didn’t really have any idea where I came from. Quite possibly the worst day of my life was the day I found out what sex was.
Until this day I wish I was brought here by the stalk. But really…it can’t be that bad.
I really must have grown up a lot on my own without anyone, you know, just hiding from a pack of dangerous cannibals, because right now, as Tyler’s trying to explain something to me…all I’m doing is staring at his hip where his shirt is riding up.


I blink, looking back up to Tyler’s face. “I’m sorry?”

Tyler was standing with his hands on hips, looking quite annoyed. “Lee are you even listening?”

“Of course I am,” I lie, a blush creeping from my right ear “you were talking about…about…”

Tyler rolls his eyes. “Oh, forget it. We have to get you out of here though.”

I stand up, finally snapping back into reality and glancing back and forth between the two men who seemed to have popped up out of nowhere.

“Where’s Adrienne?”

Awkward silences are silences that are filled with worry and fear. Non awkward silences are normally silences that are very comfortable to be in, like when you’re with your friends and you all finally fall asleep after a night of partying.

This silence, was a silence that couldn’t be explained either way, it was a very empty silence. It was filled with absolutely nothing; like a hole in the ground. Black, empty, nothing.


Hector, even through his glasses looked broken. He puts his palms on the surface of the table and stares intensely at me, like I never thought he could with those glasses on.

“They took her, found her. We have to get you out of here.”

My heart lurched, so did my stomach, my whole body, it fell. I fell from my block to let anyone in, to let anyone know what was going on in my mind.

For the first time in ages, I felt tears welling up in my eyes. Adrienne, the one that taught me almost everything I know and more, was gone, probably dead.
It was time to get out of here.

“Where are we going?”

Hector stood up properly, and turned his head to Tyler, who was watching the window outside. I knew he couldn’t look at me.
