Sequel: Danger Zone

Cannibal Red

Us Against The World

Siberia, was cold.
I wrapped my jacket around me tight as I stood between the two men walking alongside me. One looking around, his black clad head spinning around at all the new things.
I could tell Hectors senses were going mad.
Tyler, on the other hand, was trying to walk as far away from me as possible, looking down at his feet and occasionally glancing up at the ancient looking buildings in search for the hotel we were staying at.

Moments later we were walking into a warm building, Hector’s hand on my shoulder as he lead me forward. I could tell even by his face that was covered so much that he was trying to tell me that everything was OK, that we were going to survive and nobody was here to catch us.
It was when a shrieking sound came from behind us that I knew; I wasn’t going to enjoy staying here.

A red headed woman, a few years older than Tyler and myself, with long black nails like ours, pale skin, and a short skirt was rushing over and wrapping her arms around Tyler.
She was gorgeous, and I wanted to claw her eyes out right away. Just the way she pulled at Tyler’s hair as she hugged him, the way she leaned into him and smiled, and the way he smiled back.

God, I wanted to bitch slap her, bitch slap her good.

“Oh Ty!” She said, totally ignoring me and Hector, letting go of Tyler and holding his face in her hands. “I was worried you wouldn’t make it!”

I wanted to rip her stupid thick Russian accent out of her mouth.

Suddenly, Tyler turned to Hector and I, his hand planted firmly on her shoulder.

“Dahlia, this is Hector and Lee, guys, Dahlia is the owner of the hotel, also an ex SCC agent.”

Dahlia grinned broadly, and reached over to shake our hands. Hector didn’t shake back, and I reluctantly grabbed her hand and let go quickly. Feeling if I shook any longer, I might murder her or Hector might hit me.

“Should I show you to your rooms?” She said, smiling as stupidly as before.

I’m pretty sure Tyler mumbled something, but I know Hector and I just stood there, staring daggers at the woman pretty much holding Tyler hostage.

She lead us up an old creaky staircase, showing us down a long hallway, to two rooms. Dahlia pointed to one, almost shoving me in there, still grinning stupidly, and followed Hector and Tyler into the other one.

The room, despite its owner, was gorgeous. It was so dark, just the way I liked it, and there were huge deep red curtains hanging from the windows, blocking out the sunlight. I threw my bags down on the floor and locked the door, walking over to the four poster bed and slumping down on it, burying my face in the silk pillows.

It was then that I realized I had started to cry. My head thumped, my heart thumped, and my brain hurt.
It wasn’t jetlag, I knew it. It was loss.
Now I knew why Tyler hadn’t touched me, he was obviously with that Dahlia woman. She was so much more beautiful, so much more bright, and so different to me.
She had looked at my hair like I was stupid, she had looked me up and down and made me feel like I was worthless.

A few moments later, there was a soft knocking at the door.
I didn’t answer it.


He could wait; I didn’t want to see him.

“Lee…it’s Tyler.”

No shit; ESE said.

“Oh, for fucks sake, at least I want to talk to you. Stop acting childish and open the freaking door.”

When I opened the door I saw a more ruffled Tyler. His hair was everywhere, his eyes were glazed over, and he was chewing on his lip like it was a piece of gum.

“Can we talk?”

I said nothing, not knowing what he wanted to achieve, and opened the door wider, to let him in.

Tyler walked in, shoving his hands in his jean pockets and shifting over to the bed, where he sat down and avoided my eyes.
I locked the door again, hiding the keys in my pocket.

Standing, avoided sitting next to him.

“Look, about while we were on the plane…”

“You made it quite clear what you wanted.”

I purse my lips, but he glares at me for interrupting him.

“It’s unhealthy for us to just keep fighting like this.”

I glare back.

“It’s unhealthy for you to be having relationships with women in Siberia, and dragging us all the way to a different country as an excuse to see her.”

Tyler stands up. “Excuse me?! Dahlia isn’t my girlfriend! That’s impossible! I can’t kiss her: she’s a cannibal!”

I growl, poking at his chest. “Then how come you apparently know her so damn well? Huh? Because I got the impression she was trying to molest you in that hallway!”

He pokes back. “Why do you care anyway Lee? I thought you would have had plenty of men back in Australia, you know…WHEN YOU LEFT ME!”



And then I slapped him…really hard.

He fell back onto the bed, rubbing his cheek and whimpering, glaring up at me as I stood there, watching my hands. I didn’t mean it…

“There was no need-”

“I’m sorry.”

Tyler stopped glaring, his face softened. “I’m an ass.”

I bite my lip, and look back at him. “That you are.”

I sit myself down next to him, and touch the place with my fingertips where I slapped him. It was red, and it looked like I’d scratched him too.
He closed his eyes as I touched him, his breathing becoming slower, the lines in his forehead softening.

“I’ve missed you, for so long.”

I sigh, nodding as my fingertips spread further across his face.

“I could never kiss anyone but you without pain.” I whisper, my chest tightening.

He opens his eyes, and I knew I’d got my Tyler back as his fingers lightly touched the back of my neck and his lips moved forward to touch mine.

We stayed there for hours, kissing, breathing, living, touching.

I realized there was a bigger war out there than the one that had recently brewed between us. It wasn’t us against each other, it was us against the world.