Sequel: Danger Zone

Cannibal Red

Prison Sweat

When I awoke, it was only me in the room.
The sheets were tangled around me, and sweat dripped off of my forehead. I felt like my feet were going to fall onto nothing. I tried to lick my dry lips, but the saliva in my mouth was so scarce that it felt like licking a spiked ice cream.


I stood up, throwing the sticky sheets off my body and sighing. Standing up, it took my eyes and body a while to focus, until it suddenly went all black.
My legs went limp, my knees buckled, and suddenly my palms were flat on the floor, the cold, harsh, floor.
Then; I couldn’t feel anything.

There were lines. Those lines were my eyelashes. I could see the top my eyelid. Everything was blurred, and I felt sick, so, so sick.
A rush of cool air whispered past me, and I closed my eyes again, trying to create composure. I didn’t know where I was, but I knew that I was sitting down on something hard, and that my hands were forcibly tied behind my back.
A clicking noise made its way through the room, and I tried to open my eyes. They didn’t open.

“She awake yet?”

A cool, male voice says.

“Not sure, you think she’s pretending to sleep?”

“No, she’s been injected with a highly lethargic poison; I doubt she even thought of faking it.”

“Maybe she needs some flesh to wake up.”

I felt the swish of cool air again. “No, idiot, flesh will only make her stronger.”

“How long’s she going to be asleep for then?”

“I’m not sure. Red Cannibal’s don’t just walk past me every day, now come on, before she wakes up.”

And then that cool air again.

I didn’t recognize those voices; I didn’t know who they were. I lick my lips, and close my eyes real tight, pushing them open with all my might.
Once my eyes were open, I realized I wasn’t back in my hotel room, and Tyler most certainly wasn’t with me.
There was simply a brick wall in front of me, of which I could see only because of the glass window the size of your bedroom door. The rest of the room was just metal.
I was sitting in some kind of prison.

It was dark too, only I could see so well. I could see a speck of dust on the ground.

I realized that I wasn’t wearing the clothes I had worn to bed; I was wearing a plain white jumpsuit. I look up into the corner of the room, where I noticed a small video camera watching me.

“Tyler!” I scream at it. “TYLER!”

It stayed silent. My voice only echoed through the room.

I look down at my arms, pale as a ghost, sweat dripping all over me. I didn’t know where I was, who had come into my room before, and how I had got here. All I know is that I’d been injected with poison, and that these people were obviously not my friends.