Sequel: Danger Zone

Cannibal Red

New Enemies.

Lord only knows how long I was sitting there, screaming. It was only when my voice started to become hoarse, that I heard footsteps making their way to the door.

A man in his late fifties, wearing a white lab coat and glasses was peering at me through the glass, his eyes narrowed. I noticed he wasn’t afraid, he didn’t smell afraid.


He spoke, paused, as if thinking, and watched me. I glared at him, not speaking. I didn’t like this…this…meat.

“You are Lee…our Cannibal Red.”

I stare at him, not sure what to do. Of course they knew I was a red cannibal, but I didn’t like the way he said it. He said it as if I was a list of substances, as if I was one of many.
His tone lied, I am one of one.

Suddenly I felt amazingly angry, and my teeth hurt, they ached, like when you’re incredibly hungry, and I lashed out of the ties that bound me to the chair, growling in pain.
I backed into the wall, still watching the man out of the corner of my eye.
I wanted to eat him, I wanted to rip off his flesh and have him for dinner, because that’s what he deserved, calling me that.

I lean my head to his side. He looked strangely calm still, so I ran up to the glass, pushing myself against it and almost trying, desperately, to bite him. But the glass was strong; or was I weak?

“Lee, there is no way you can get to me,” The man said calmly, not looking me in the eye. “This glass was made specifically for you, so you can’t…” and then he looked at me lazily, slowly, and smirked “…rescue.”

My voice came out huskily, hungrily. “Where are my friends?”

The man’s smirk broadened. “Funny you should ask that, Lee, because, we have one right now.”

Suddenly there was a clinking of locks, and I saw two bodyguards, holding someone weakly hanging over them, awake but slowly dying.
The man moved over and put a code somewhere I could not see, and the body was thrown into my enclosure.

I rushed over, and screamed when I saw who it was.

Adrienne was lying on the cold harsh floor, staring up at me, her eyes were a bright glowing red, and she was crying.


“Oh, Adie…”

“What did they do to you?”

Adrienne reached up, and touched my cheek.

“Oh Lee…what did they do to you?”