Sequel: Danger Zone

Cannibal Red


I always thought that only doctors’ offices are that really white you just go blind over, but apparently I was wrong about that.

I was sitting in someone’s office; Adrienne had picked me up in her rusted old car in the morning and taken me up to the building. I’ve never seen Adrienne at loss for words, but the car ride up here was eerie. The building was called the SCC, she had told me before she had shut up completely.

Super Cannibal Control.

Adrienne had taken me in and talked to the lady at the front desk, then she left me to sit down in the waiting room until the front desk woman had shown me to an office, which I was currently sitting in.

The room was quite big, with shelves and shelves of books on either side. A pretty average sized white desk sat in front of a huge window on looking the streets, and there was one chair other than the one behind the desk.

The chair was really uncomfortable; you’d sink right down and feel the wood underneath the cushioned bits, and your head wouldn’t sit right, it was almost hanging right off the back part. The worst part of all that not only made me feel uncomfortable, but made me a little uneasy, was the fact that the chair sat about a meter from the door, while it was really far away from the desk at the other end of the room.

So I waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Until a screeching sound came from near the bookcases, I couldn’t see any spinning ones so far, so I wasn’t in danger of someone coming out there and attacking me. I leaned over in my chair more so I could see whatever was happening, but all I could hear or see was a door opening and a foot emerging from behind it. The person soon stepped out into the room where I could see them.

Professor Whetherby, by the name, you’d expect a little grey haired bespectacled man with a serious mind and bushy eyebrows, but this Professor wasn’t what you’d expect; she was young-ish.
Professor Whetherby or Diana as she told me I should call her was around my mum’s age, and was really thin. She had dark brown hair pulled up in a bun and wore a…wedding dress.

I sat in the seat assigned to me after the Professor had introduced herself while she just sat behind her desk staring at me. I noticed she looked like every other Cannibal I’d met, hollow eyes, very pale skin. Maybe a lot more pale than everyone else, she looked pretty much dead. I also noticed that a chunk of the right side of her stomach was missing, the material around it stained with blood and sinking into her body as if still wet.
It made me uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.

“Hi Lee.” Diana says, as she studies my face, as if to commit it to memory.

“Umm…hello.” I say softly, tightening my fingers around the chairs’ handles and smiling what I hoped was warmly at her.

“No doubt you’re wondering why I’m in a wedding dress.” she says, smirking and eyeing my red fingers gripping the seat.

“Actually yeah, I was wondering exactly that.” I say, watching as she moves around the desk to stand in front of it, pouring some clear liquid into a glass and then turning to face me once more.

“I’ve lost count of how old I am, I’m pretty sure it’s around the six hundred year point,” she says, taking a sip and swirling the liquid, watching as the ice chinked against the glass. “But I do remember that around six hundred years ago I was caught in an abnormal incident of Cannibalism, you see, when we eat our prey there is a special way in which we eat it, through the heart. It was my wedding day and I was getting ready,” watching me from the top of her glass she smiled, motioning to the dress she was wearing.

“My mother had tried to kill me, pouncing on me and trying to eat me through my waist. Half way through her trying to eat me I got infected with Super Cannibalism and I could not die, for I was almost dead, yet she had given me her traits. Death is impossible when you’re immortal am I right?”

“I guess.”

This was gross dude.

“So now, you know why I am unable to get out of this dress. It’s been about six hundred years, so I’m quite used to walking around with half a stomach,” Diana smirks knowingly at me, and averts her eyes to my legs where they were twisted strangely in fear…or incase I had to run “Lee, what I’m about to tell you will probably change your life forever.”

I roll my eyes, feeling confident for the first time since I’d entered the professors’ office.

“No offence Diana,” I say, looking straight into her icy eyes “But in this past year, I’ve been turned into a cannibal, I’ve tried to eat someone’s face, and I’ve just met a woman who is half dead with a fucking hole through her stomach…how can that not totally change my life forever!”

Diana laughs, a cold, blood curdling laugh that sent shivers dancing throughout my body. My quickly averted gaze went from the carpet back to her face; just out of sheer curiosity.
I’m stupid, I know.
She was smiling, a twisted smile that made her face look as if it was causing her pain to actually do a simple thing like smile. Come to think of it, smiling wasn’t all that easy, if you could see me now, practically trying to run out the door in fear. Yeah, smiling: not easy at all.

“Lee…you need to find the person who did this to you.”
I raise my eyebrows at her; she had gone from looking like an evil monster, to a professional at what she did.

“What do you mean?”

I can feel my eyes watering, not like I’m going to cry, but in fear. This woman made me pulse with fear.

“What I mean,” She says, pausing to sit down and lace her fingers together, looking over the top of her pale hands at me “is that I’m sending you to go out and find the person you kissed because for all we know, they could be out deliberately infecting innocent people like you with Super-Cannibalism. You’re going to save us Lee.”

All I could do was stare at her. Until I realized she wasn’t going to say anymore to me and I was guided toward the door.
This had to be the shittiest day ever.

I felt sick, like I was going to vomit all over the walls. The air was humid, my body was hot and sticky, yet it was raining outside.
Damn central heating.
Ever since I’d gotten home I hadn’t stopped thinking about what the Professor said. It was going to be my fault if Cannibal breeding got out of control in these areas.
I was fucking screwed as hell and I didn’t know what to do about it, Adrienne’s phone was turned off and every time I tried to call Tyler it said he was in a call.
Who’s ever on the phone from 1 to 3:25 in the morning?

My chest was heaving, my head was spinning, my gums hurt, I was sweating, my eyes were watering, and yet it was quiet.
I was either ill, or the CD spinning out of control in my mum’s room was really starting to get to my head.

Don’t let them take you down.

Don’t let them take you down.

Don’t let them take you down.

Don’t let them take you down…

ESE was the only one there to talk to. So talked to it.

…Only I can take you down.