How We Kidnapped Jack and Alex

It's Time

Amber's POV

I was so nervous. The butterflies in my stomach, were going crazy. This has been way to easy so far, I'm pretty sure getting Alex and Jack to leave with use was going to be difficult, and I was no good at seducing peopling, and I would defiantly not be able to seduce Jack.
"There it is," Pan said pointing to the door. It has a bright orange piece of paper on it labeled All Time Low

"I think I'm going to pee my pants," I said.

"Wonderful," she laughed pulling me to the door. She knocked lightly on the door and the door and waited for them to answer. Someone flung the door open which caused me to jump, and Pan to slightly laugh at me.

"Hi,"Alex said standing at the door, smirking.

"Hi," Pan managed to choke out.

"Hey," I said grinning.

"Who would you to lovely ladies be?" Alex asked.

"Well, I'm Pan, and this is Amber," Pan said, getting over her momentarily star struck state.

"Pan?" Alex asked laughing.

"Got a problem with that?" Pan asked sweetly.

"Not at all, why don't you come in," Alex said moving out of the doorway and letting us inside.

"Thanks," I said following Pan in the room. My eyes scanned the room and I immediately spotted Jack sitting by Rian, with a huge smile on his face. Zack was over by a table that had water bottles on it staring at them.

"What is he doing?" I asked Alex.

"Jack told us he spit in one and Zack is trying to figure out which one it is so he doesn't drink it," Alex explained.

"Alex, who are your friends?" Rian said as he and Jack came up behind us.

"Well this is Pan, and this is Amber," he said pointing to us, as he said our names.

"Nice to meet you," Rian said.

"You too," Pan said smirking, causing me to start laughing.


"Nothing," I tried to say innocently.

"Rian help me!" Zack yelled.

"Okay," Rian said stating to walking over to Zack.

"Wait, wait wait," Pan said quickly causing him to turn around.

"What?" He asked. Pan shot me a look and we both walked up to him and kissed him cheek.

"Rian hurry!" Zack yelled.

"You can go now," I smiled.

"He's gonna get it wrong," Jack smirked.

"How can you be so sure?" I asked.

"I spit in all of them," he laughed, quietly.

"Your evil," I said.

"You are too," Pan sang.

"Shut up," I laughed.

"So you guys wanna go for a walk outside?" Pan asked

"Hm, I don't know, do you Jack?"

"We better, I think Zack may have heard me about the spit thing," Jack said glancing over his shoulder at Zack who was glaring at him.

"Okay lets go," Pan said grabbing Alex's hand and pulling him out of the room.

"Come on, Jack Attack," I said pulling him with me.

"Okay, uh Amber person," he said.

"Trying to think to a nickname?"

"Yeah," he laughed.

"Well I have several, let see there is; Bams, Amburger, BerBer, and uh Amber Jamber." I said counting them off on my free hand.

"Cool," he said.

"Yeah we better catch up to Pan and Alex," I said, walking a little faster.

"Good idea," he said before starting to run, pulling me behind him.

When we caught up with Pan and Alex, Pan dropped Alex's hand.
"I'll be right back," Pan said running off toward where we parked are car.

"Where is she going?" Alex asked.

"She probably forgot, her special sharpie in the car," I said rolling my eyes. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I saw it was a text message from Pan.

Okay, I'm ready bring them over.

This was it. I took a deep breath and started walking forward, in the direction Pan went, holding both Alex and Jacks hands.
"Where are we going?" Alex asked.

"Pan needs help," I said. Pulling them until I saw Pan's car.

"Okay," Alex said stopping.

"Sorry," I whispered under my breath before, I opened the back door and walked behind Jack and shoved him into the car. I still had Alex's hand, even though he was trying to wiggle his way free. I shoved him in after Jack and shut the door. I walked up to the front door and opened it climbing in. Alex, and Jack were trying in open the door, and they were panicking because the couldn't. Pan sped out of her parking space and out of the parking lot.

"We did it," she smirked.
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