You're the Only Reason I Can't Sleep Through the Night

A Gift with a Twinge of Guilt

The next morning, I called my boss and he was more than okay with it. "I wondered when you were going to use your vacation time, miss Natalie!" he chuckled, told me to be safe and to have fun and then hung up. The guys said they'd miss me and would take care of a bunch of stuff while I was gone. I hugged them and kissed each of their cheeks before they boarded their flight.
I waved them goodbye and Alex guided me out. We all squeezed our luggage and selves into Marc's car and drove back to their house.
We got there and I gasped. It was gorgeous. We got inside and I went to the dining room. The sun was shining through all of the windows and was also lighting up the valley, full of houses, below. Alex came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.
"I can't believe you guys are giving this up"
"It's all for you, babe"
I felt a twinge of guilt. I didn't want to make them leave their gorgeous home and everything for me. I heard the guys come up and agree. "We want change, we're getting it. Besides, at least we aren't moving to some place without friends. We have you, Seth, Caleb and Aaron." Brandon spoke up.
"Yeah, we really have to thank you anyways. Alex was a mess without you. Thank God you said yes to him" Travis said grinning. Marc and Dan laughed at that.
"I'd offer you guys a place to live, instead of staying there temporarily, but my house is sort of small"
"Why don't we all look for a house together?" Marc asked.
"Hey, that's not a shitty idea" Dan said
They all nodded.
"What? I mean, I didn't plan on moving and the guys probably wouldn't agree to it"
"Come on, please? We'll talk to Seth, Aaron and Caleb tonight."
"Caleb doesn't even live with us"
"Now he can"
I smiled and nodded "That sounds awesome. All of us living together. Okay, you guys talk to them and let me know what they say!"
They all agreed and went upstairs to unpack their dirty laundry, except for Alex.
"So, where am I sleeping?"
"With me"
"Oh, I see" I smiled, raising an eyebrow "Well, where is that?"
"OH! Right, okay, follow me"
On the way, the doorbell rang. A man with a dog stood at the door. Alex greeted him, pulled money out of his wallet as he thanked him and pulled the dog inside. It was a mutt of some sort and so adorable. I walked over as the dog's tail wagged uncontrollably. "Whose dog is this?" I asked as it jumped on me, begging to be pet.
"Dan's. This is Scooter" Alex explained as I cuddled the dog.
"Aw, Scooter! He's so cute!"
"SCOOTER?" We heard Dan shout down the stairs and the dog took off running in that direction.
We went upstairs, went around the railing and went to the back corner bedroom. It was a large, clean bedroom with tons of windows on the back and right walls. The walls were painted a dark red and there were mirrored closet doors and a door to his bathroom on the left wall. His bed was centered on the back wall with no headboard, so you could look out and see the view. The windows were basically at the height of the bed, but you didn't have to worry much about people looking in at you since the house was up so high. A house in the trees, I thought as Alex and I set my stuff down. I was looking out the windows at the sun setting when I felt Alex's arms wrap around my waist and his lips on my neck.
"I can't wait to live together, baby"
"It'll be nice, won't it?" I asked, turning around and looking up at him
He smiled down at me and kissed me gently. I smiled up at him and he took off his shirt, getting ready for bed. I went over and shut the door. Brandon's hand stopped it.
"Hey Brandon"
"Hey! THE GUYS SAID YES!" he shouted, hugging me.
"Really? That's great!"
"I KNOW! I just wanted to tell you! I'll let you get some sleep now. Goodnight!" he walked off down the hall drumming against the banister and walls. I smiled and closed the door.
I turned around and Alex was sitting on the bed grinning.
"We're going to be able to share a bed like this all the time" he said, patting the place beside him. I laughed and told him to wait until I changed. He nodded and took off his jeans, leaving his boxers. I changed into a tank top and boy shorts. I walked in and jumped onto the bed with him. He moved up to lay with me and slid his hands around my waist and kissed me passionately.
"I've been wanting to do that all day"
"Why didn't you?"
"I wanted to save it for now, to celebrate" I smiled and kissed him. We went to sleep happy that night.
The next couple weeks consisted of packing and getting other business out of the way.

On a Monday night, Alex and I got into bed, tired as ever. That didn't stop him. He pulled me close to him and kissed my neck gently. I smiled and kissed him. He leaned onto his back, pulling me on top of him. I ran my hands down his chest as he kissed me. I pulled back away from the kiss as he slipped off my tank top and I pulled the sheets over us. He was breathing hard and pulled me back into a kiss, hungering for more. I felt him pressing against my leg more and more as each kiss passed. He pushed me onto my back roughly and got on top of me, kissing me hard and passionately. He slipped off my underwear and I slipped his boxers off. I was breathing hard and my heart was pounding as he slid his hand down my back, to the back of my knee and pulled it up to sort of wrap my leg around him.
"Fuck" he mumbled as he cut off the kiss and dropped his head to my neck.
"What's wrong?" I managed to say between breaths.
"I don't have a condom, do you?"
"No, I don't. I"m on BC though"
"I don't want to risk getting you pregnant, Nat. It'd be too soon."
"I know, you're right" I nodded in agreement.
He fell on his back and breathed hard.
"Don't you keep any around here?"
"I hadn't exactly had sex lately!" he almost shrieked, obviously embarrassed.
"Do any of the other guys have one?"
"I can't walk around with a, well, you know" he looked down and I realized what he was talking about.
"Right, sorry. I can ask?"
"Haha! Fine, do that, but when they look at you with horrified looks on their faces, don't say I didn't warn you"
I got up and put on one of Alex's t shirts and some shorts.
I knocked on Dan's door first.
"Woah, hi" he said, looking me up and down. I pulled the shirt down even further on my legs and prepared myself to ask.
"Do you, um, have, um, a condom?" his eyes widened.
"Uh, yeah. Hold on a minute"
He went to his nightstand, grabbed one and came back to the door. He sighed and pulled me inside for a moment, shutting the door behind me.
"Um" I began to ask what he was doing
"Natalie, I'm worried about you. Please don't get in too deep too fast. I mean, you guys just started going out and you're already doing this? I mean, I know it's not really any of my business, but please just think about this."
"I have, Dan. I'm ready"
"You aren't a virgin, are you?" he questioned, hesitantly.
"No! I wouldn't give THAT up that quickly!"
"Okay! That's what I thought, but I had to check!"
I turned to leave and he caught my arm.
"Please, Nat"
"What is your problem, Dan?"
"I just don't want either of you guys to get hurt"
"I know, Dan. I appreciate you looking out for us, but please, just leave this alone"
He pulled me into a hug. "Just be careful, I don't want you getting hurt again. You're going to be going insane as it is when the press finds out that we're all moving in together"
"Who really cares at this point? I don't. They've already made me into some sort of slut as it is!" I pulled myself away from him, grabbed the condom and left the room. I didn't mean to be angry with Dan, but it just sort of happened. I slammed the door behind me and went back to Alex's and my room. I tossed him the condom and got into bed again. Normally, being angry would make me feel like just going to sleep or whatever, but I just wanted to prove Dan wrong this time. Besides, there was no reason to punish Alex or myself for Dan''s nosiness. He picked up right where he left off, kissing me as he slowly began taking off my clothes again and then he slipped on the condom. He kissed me passionately and I felt him push inside of me.
I thought to myself, 'Ha, Dan thought I'd regret this. I definitely don't. He thinks he knows everything. Alex and I love each other. That's why we're doing this. That and he's horny as fuck'. I laughed to myself and felt Alex move faster. The sheet had slid off and he was pulling my legs to wrap around his waist. I heard a the leaves of the trees rustle outside of the open window, but ignored it, thinking it was the wind. Alex pulled me on top of him and I straddled him, continuing to make love with him. He reached up and grabbed my breasts just as I heard another rustle of the leaves. Alex saying my name covered up the noise as it happened yet again. Then it happened again, I ignored it, wishing we had closed the window. 'Oh well', I thought to myself. Alex pushed me onto my back again, kissing my neck. both of us moaning as I pressed my hands against his back as we both reached our climax. He fell onto his back and pulled me close, his arm around my shoulders. "I love you" he said as he kissed me a few times
"I love you too, Alex" I smiled, kissing him back.
I heard the rustle in the leaves again and then something drop to the ground and more rustling. Alex and I both shot up.
"What the fuck?" he pulled on some boxers and walked towards the window. He jumped back and pulled the sheets over me. "FUCK!" he screamed.