Once Upon a Cinderella Story

when it starts

Once A Upon A Cinderella Story Once A Upon A Cinderella Story

Hi my name is Cinderella, When I was 7 my mother past away, when I was 10 my dad started dating this girl named Jacklyn, than Lisa and some way back to Jacklyn.

She was nice, but only when my dad was around.

At the age of 13 my dad and Jacklyn got married and her and her two kids came to live with us Mandy and Melissa.

They were not the nicest people in the world.

And now at the age of 15 my dad was rich will he was always rich but this time I could wear anything I want, he took me shopping and we got a lot of clothes, so I felt like Cinderella, in the good way, having everything I want.

A couple of months with by and it was now May, its been 5 years that my dad and Jacklyn been married.


When I got up in the morning, I knew my dad would be singing, “here comes the bride”.

As I was walking down the stairs I hear a gun shoot I ran into the kitchen to see what happen all I saw was blood and Jacklyn holding a gun I didn’t want to go see if my dad was okay cause I didn’t want her to shoot me too “don’t tell anyone about this or I will kill you” Jacklyn told me, than her two daughter came down. Then Mandy said “will people are going to ask how he died”?

“Yeah” Melissa said, trying to be smart “were going to say that he killed himself” Jacklyn answered back to Mandy’s question.

After two min with out saying anything Jacklyn called the cops I was crying I had no idea what to do.

Then they came to pick him up than I went to the cop and asked him “where would I be living” and he told me “with my new step mom Jacklyn”.

Than a couple of more months went by and it wasn’t the best I lost my dad my room, and I got a new room, that was under the stairs in the big closet but it still felt small.

As it was summer my step moms made me do everything like making her food, cut the grass, washing her car, do everything. And I was Cinderella.

The next morning I had to get up a 5:30am to go shopping for food.

I didn’t have time to do my make up or brush my teeth but I told her that I had to go to the washroom and all she said was to “hurry up” so I brushed my teeth and put eyeliner on and mascara on.

As she gave me the list to get the stuff she needed I walked out but I had to walk because I wasn’t old enough to drive a car and she sold my bike to get more money to buy her new boobs that looked really bad on her, she is such a wanna be.


As I’m walking to the store I walked into this guy with curly hair “oh, I’m so sorry I wasn’t looking were I was going” I told him, than he looked up at me and he looked like someone I knew or seen before than he said “oh its okay I was kind of not looking were I was going too”.

There was something about him but I didn’t know what but I had to a lest ask him his name “umm, I know I just walked into you but can I ask you something”?

“What you wanna know if I’m dating Miley, or you want a picture with me or you want to kiss me like all the fans ask”?

Then I looked up at him “umm fan, kissing, Miley, I’m not following”?

“You don’t know who I am”? He asked

“Umm no I was going to ask you what was your name was but you said the other things that I didn’t get” I answered back in a weird way

“Its just that all the girls I see well they want to know if I’m going out with someone or if they can have a picture with me, or will they more ask if I can kiss them”

He said back

“Well, sorry I don’t know who you are but can you at lest tell me your name, or something”?

I answered back I really wanted to know him name.

“I’m Nick Jonas,” he answered back with a smile on his face.

Than I said

“Wow for some reason you look like someone I seen before, and heard your name before, wait do you have two brothers”?

Then he said

“No, I have 3”

“Oh k will never mind I thought you were one of the guys from the Jonas brothers band but he has 2 brothers so I guess not” then he started laughing.

I said.

“Wow you got it right, but I have 3 brothers its just that me and my 2 brothers are in a band and will you know there called the Jonas brothers, and I have a little brother Frankie, but he's not in the band, so I’m guessing you heard of us before”? he said, laughing at the same time.

Then I said “yeah, well my step sisters are in love with you guys and well just say one of them wanna have your baby” I said in a weird way.

“Umm you didn’t really have to tell me that part, so since I told you my name what’s yours”? He asked.

“Oh I don’t really like my name” I answered back.

“Who told you that”?

He asked

“Umm people”

I answered back in fear.

“Ok I guess if you don’t want to talk about it’s alright, but can you please tell me your name”?

He asked

“Fine, but don’t laugh”

I answered back

“It’s Cinderella”.


Wow she is so pretty with her brown and blond hair her blue eyes and her name made her even prettier.


“Wow you have a nice name,” he told me

“Thanks, you’re like the only one who would say that expect my dad”.

“So your mom doesn’t like your name”? He asked

“Haha, well she’s the one who picked it but I haven’t heard her say it since I was 7”

I answered back

“Umm well why doesn’t she say it anymore”? He asked again.

“K here let me tell you, k when I was 7 years old my mother past away and not that long ago in May my father past away” I told him than he looked me in the eyes then he said “Oh, well who are you living with now”

Than I answered quickly “my step mother” and I rolled my eyes

“Well at lest she loves you” he said” than I laughed inside “I just wish you knew” I said than he looked at me because he had no idea what I was talking about “never mind I told him.

“Hey, can I ask if I can have your number”?

He asked

“Umm sure, I guess” than I handed him my phone.

And he gave me his phone

“But you can’t call every second, I don’t mind you texting me and all but like you can call like maybe two times a day and like at 5:30 in the morning and 11:00 at night”.

I answered back and I was so tired because I was talking so fast.

“Umm okay, just let me tell you, you’re not like most girls”.

“Trust me I’m not” then I looked away “k well I have to go” I said and looked at the time and then I gave back his phone and ran into the store.

Oh my god he was so hot, I can never tell Mandy and Melissa I saw Nick Jonas they would kill me well no matter what they would kill me.


Wow she is so not like others girl, but I didn’t really get why I would have to call at 5:30am and 11:00pm.

I so have to tell Joe and Kevin, thank god when I asked her for her number she had to take a picture before she put her number so now I can show the guys, she is so pretty.


As I’m walking back home I see my step mom outside at the front door I knew I was going to get in big trouble.

“Umm little slut, why are you taking forever to get food”? She asked me “their were a lot of people” I told her and it was true cause since it was Sunday then when I went to go in the house to put the food away she told me to stop, than I looked at her, then she slapped me in the face “slut go put the food away and your not having super tonight.

I wanted to hit her so bad.

After I was down putting the food away I went to go in my so called room “umm Jacklyn where’s my stuff” I asked her than she came walking down the hall “in the basement” than she gave me a bad look “umm why” because well we need this closet, and will when my date comes around he going to need to put his jacket some where” she told me than I just walking away all I was thinking she is such a fake I wish I could tell the world that she does drugs and she killed my dad and other stuff that I cant think of.

As I’m walking down stairs all I can feel is cold, it always felt like it was always winter down here as I got into the living room part I went into the room and there was my stuff I and the room walls were all pink, that use to be my play room when I was little and I still had my old bed in here.

It actually was nice to be in here I had a dresser a mirror

Teddy bears poster of Cody, Zac and more.

As it was 7:54 I was hungry and I had a bag of chips in my bag so I was eating that and I got a text message from Nick
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Hey guys i hope you like this story and story i didnt post for a while i just had writers block so sorry and please give me messages.
