Once Upon a Cinderella Story

New life

Hey – Nick

Hi – Cinderella

What’s up –Nick

Nm, just have a lot on my mind that’s all – Cinderella

Then I looked at the time and it was 8 a clock.

Do you know what time it is – Cinderella

Yes 8, why? – Nick

Just asking :S – Cinderella

Hey, can I ask you some questions? – Nick

Sure I guess :p – Cinderella

Okay, do you have any pets? – Nick

Then I was thinking to myself, why is he asking these kinds of questions but I think I better answer him before he thinks something happened.

Well a fish, but he doesn’t do any tricks or anything just eats and swims. - Cinderella

Okay cool, what your fav food? – Nick

Umm what do I eat all the time then I looked down were the bag of chips were, I know chips.

Chips – Cinderella

I thought it would have been something else, but chips are okay too - Nick

Lol – Cinderella

So do you have a boyfriend? – Nick

No, I had one like before my dad died but I dumped him  - Cinderella

Oh, I feel bad for you, maybe next time I see you ill give you a hug :D – Nick

Lol, thanks but I don’t think there will be a next time – Cinderella

Nick POV

What she doesn’t want to see me again, what did I do what did I say, I have to meet her again I think I might be in in love with her.

Nick’s POV Ends

Cinderella POV

What did I do? - Nick

Nothing, it’s just that my step mom never lets me go out of the house unless if she wants me to get her stuff or I have to go to school and it’s summer now and I that wont be happening for a while. – Cinderella

Well why doesn’t she let you do anything? – Nick

If I told you I would get in trouble – Cinderella

Well is she in the room right now? – Nick

Then I looked around to see is she wants at the door, thank god she wasn’t

No… - Cinderella

Well can you please tell me? – Nick

“Cinderella come and take the trash out” Jacklyn said

“ill be there soon” I screamed back “No Now”! She said again

“Fine” I said to myself

Nick I have to go take out the trash ill talk to you later bye. – Cinderella Cinderella’s POV EndsNick POV

As I went to say by she already ended the convo.

Well before Kevin and Joe come home I’m going to play some Basketball.

“Mom I’m going to go play some basketball” I told my mom “sure honey” she answered back.

As I was walking outside I saw this girl taking the trash out she looked like Cinderella then she moved her hair out of her face and it was her “Cinderella”?

Nick’s POV EndsCinderella POV

As I said bye to Nick I had to log off really fast before she got mad, not that she is mad but I don’t want her to be more mad.

As I’m walking up the stairs I hear Jacklyn say “come on baby let go up stairs” eww that is sick a old woman going up stairs with this Rich ugly guy eww.

As I stopped listening to there convo I walked the two steps that were left and I went into the kitchen to see what she wanted. “I’m here” I said rolling my eyes but thanks god she didn’t see or I could of got another slap on he face. “Take out the trash” she said and I went to get the trash and it smelled like fish, I hated fish.

I walked out side and I had to go to the end of the drive way and my hair was in my face and when I loved it I heard my name then I looked up and it was Nick “Nick what are you doing at my house”? Even if he was on the other drive way “I live here” and he had a big smile on his face, “wow you live next door” I said “yay”.

“Hey I guess that means we can hang out and stuff” he asked me “Nick, I’m sorry but I cant, I would tell you but I cant I have to go bye” I answered back and walked back into the house.

Nick POV

Wow, she is so not like any other girls.

Then I went to go play basket ball but before I turned around I saw something shinny then I picked it up it was a necklaces that said her name then I went over to her house and before I knocked I heard someone yelling and then I heard someone slap someone then I looked into the window and Cinderella just got slap by this old lady, was that her step mom, I think it is then I went next door and told my mom and she called the cops and they came there fast.
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Hey everyone hope you like, sorry it took a long time to make chapter two its just that i have other things to do and stuff so please review and message me and tell me if you like it or not bye love you all.
