Once Upon a Cinderella Story


Cinderella POV

I tried to turn around all night, but all the other time I was to lazy to see what was keeping me down. But this time I really wanted to know what was keeping me in that spot.

I turned my head and I saw Nick’s head right there. “Nick” I whispered, but nothing.

I tried to pull away, he let go a little, I was just so third I wanted to go back to bed, but before I did that I looked at the time, it was 5:23am, “god I’m going back to bed” I whispered to myself. I had enough room to turn my body, so now my face was right in front of Nick’s. I fell asleep right after I closed my eyes.

Cinderella POV Ends

Nick POV

I felt a lot of moving but I didn’t want to see what was going on. “god I’m going back to bed” I heard a voice that I knew, but didn’t open my eyes.

Then after a few min’s the moving stopped, I finally opened my eyes, and I saw Cinderella’s face right there, what am I doing here, I got up a little bit to see on top of her what time it was.

It was 5:31am, I guess ill go back to bed, but before I went back to bed I look her sleep, she was still smiling, then she moved her foot and it hit me in the leg.

I just smiled and kissed her on the top of her head.

I finally woke up it was 9:34am and I went to go see if anyone else awake. I looked in the room beside me, it was Kevin’s room. He was still sleeping, but he was on the floor, and he didn’t look to comfy, but oh well. Then on the other side of my room is Frankie’s room, he was still sleeping, he was hugging the teddy bear I gave him when, I started to go on tour the last time, he called his Bear, JJ.

The I walked out of Frankie’s room and right be side his room was the bathroom, than Joe’s room, Joe was fast asleep, and he was storing.

I went to look in my parents room but they weren’t here so I was thinking that they were down stairs.

I walked down stairs, I didn’t hear anything, I saw a note on the breakfast table.

Dear kids, me and your father are going out for lunch, and we are going to catch up with our friends that we haven’t talked to in a long time so we might not be home for supper, but if you need help for anything or if your going anywhere call Big Bob, I already told him and he said he wouldn’t mind, but I don’t want you to make him go all over town like last time. Anyways love you all and we will bring left over for you Joe, and by the way Kevin will you bring Frankie to his soccer game at 5:30, thanks bye love mom and dad

Oh I remember that time when Joe made Big Bob go all over town to fine his chips, mom got so mad she didn’t want to talk to him for a day, and she didn’t but the next day she made his favourite breakfast, lunch and dinner, but when I do something bad and my mom doesn’t do anything she just says she sorry and gives me 5 dollars or something

I put the letter back on the table and went back to my room I went to go brush my teeth, but I heard a scream from my room. I ran in my room, it was Cinderella she was screaming and crying I tried to grab he hand but then she moved it, than I finally grabbed it and the last thing she said was “that woman”.

She looked so help less, then all of sudden I red mark went on her face like someone slapped her then she screamed again. Than Kevin came into my room “what’s going on?” he asked “ I don’t know I think she have a bad dream” I told him. Then Joe came in.

Then I looked at her, then she looked like she wasn’t breathing “Kevin” I yelled “Joe call big mom now” I yelled to Joe who went to the phone nearest to my room “ill call the cops” Kevin said going into his room to get his cell.

Then all of a sudden Big Bob was in the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
lots of drama, do you think she going to be okay, find out on the next chapter.

