Once Upon a Cinderella Story


Chapter 8

Cinderella POV

5 Days Later

I woke up, everything was white, I looked around more and I felt my hand move, then I looked down and I saw someone’s hand then I looked to see who it was, it was Nick, he was crying, I felt like I was going to cry, well I was but nothing was coming out. “Nick”.

Cinderella POV Ends

Nick POV

I know that I’m not to cry, but she means the world to me, even if I met her not that long ago.

“Nick” I heard Cinderella say softly, I looked up she was okay “omg thank god your okay” I told her as she was trying to smile, Since I was grabbing her hand she tried to hold on tighter, but I didn’t it for her.

The doctor came in as we were looking each other in the eyes “Nick, that your name right?” the doctor asked me “yeah” I answered looking at the doctor “your mother wants you to go out for lunch, and come back later to pick her up” she told me as I was hugging Cinderella. As I was hugging her she whispered “don’t forget me” “I wont” I told her than I smiled and let go of her hand.

I didn’t want to let go, but I had to. So as I was walking to my mom and dad I didn’t see Kevin or Joe and Frankie “Mom where’s Frankie, Kevin and Joe?” I asked her as she was getting off the chair “At a hotel, and you didn’t want to go, so they left with out you like 4 days ago” my mom told me “you never asked me” I told her as I was giving her the look of forgetting me than she said “I asked you five times but you wanted to stay with Cinderella, and than your father said you most like her that much, and you just smiled” “well I don’t remember all of that” I told her cause it was true I didn’t remember.

Than she said “well that’s why when we get home your going to rest”. As we were getting out of the hospital I felt something ring in my pocket.

Your always trying to figure out what I am all about, If you don’t know what the answer is, then just shut up and kiss

It shouldn’t take forever to put it all together

If you cant do the math then get out of the equation, I am calling you back this is star 69, is it a minus or a plus does enough equal enough, if you cant do the math then nothing adds up tell me why I’m here.

I got the cell out of my pocket and I forgot that I put it in their not that long ago, so I answered it.

Hello – me

Hi, who is this? – Person

Nick, and you are? – Me

Josh, why are you on Cinderella’s cell? – Person

He sounded so mean, but I guess if I don’t answer he might think I’m a stalker.

Because Cinderella is in the hospital and she told me to hold on to her phone, and by the way why are you calling her? – Me

What are you here boyfriend or something – (he laugh) – Person

No, she just a really good friend and don’t change the subject – Me

I’m Cinderella’s ex boyfriend Josh, you might hear her talk about me, well just tell her to call me and I hope she feeling better bye – Person

and than he hangs up “Who was that honey?” my mom asked me “Cinderella’s ex Boyfriend Josh” I answered, I didn’t even know why I said his name, but I had a million questions going on in my head. Like 1. Does he want her back? (And number one was the main one) 2. Was he going to hurt her? And more. As I was thinking of all that, we got to the pancakes house. Than out of nowhere I still didn’t know why Cinderella was in the hospital.

“Mom!” I kind of screamed “ what?” she answered like there was something wrong. “why is Cinderella in the hospital?” I asked “and why did she stop breathing?” “well the doctor said that she cant have pop corn, cause it can kill her, and I told the doctor that you guess had pop corn before bed and in takes 1 hour to kick in and” she told me but I cut her off short. “but why didn’t she tell me that?” “because she didn’t know and its rare so the doctor just found out yesterday and by the way are you done” as my parents were looking at my plate, because it took me not even two min’s to eat it. As we were all done we went back to the hospital and we picked up Joe, Frankie and Kevin from the hotel. Me and my mom went inside the hospital and the rest of them stayed in the van. We went to pick up Cinderella but she was asleep and I grabbed her in my arms and we went home.
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Hey everyone shes okay (yay) lol anyways i hope you likes it please reviews bye xox love ya
