New life, new school, New Jersey.

Things change when you don’t read the label.

Charlie turned towards Gerard in her bed. She turned to hear her sleeping babe breathe, but all see could here was Franks snoring and Mikey’s mumbling about bumblebees. She looked at Gee. He wasn’t breathing. ‘Shit!’ she thought scrabbling of her bead and woke the others.
“Mikey! Mikey!” She panicked
“Yes mommy?” He sat up in his sleep.
“Gerard’s not breathing! I need you to go phone an ambulance!” Mikey stood up in a shot.
“Fuck!” He ran to the phone on the landing. The others woke to the panicking. Charlie remembered the course she’d taken back home in Cardiff- C.P.R! She checked to see if Gerard’s hart was still beating. It was thank god but not as strong as a normal hart beet. Charlie began resuscitating her boyfriend. (Mouth to mouth in plain English.) It still wasn’t working. What was wrong with him? C.P.R always worked. Mikey ran back in the room. He stood watching with the other boys not sure what to do.
“The ambulance is on its way.” He said slowly.
Mikey stood still. What was wrong with his big brother? He’d done some stupid stuff before but nothing like this. They new every member of staff in the emergency ward by now, that’s how many times they’d been before. This was different. Mikey got the feeling this wasn’t another stupid stunt or a hard night rocking at a gig. There was something different about this time, like it was a mistake just waiting to happen.
With in a few minutes the paramedics turned up. Bob brought them upstairs where they took over from Charlie’s hard effort to keep Gerard alive. Charlie grabbed the closest piece of clothing and grabbed Mikey’s hand.
“Come on we’ll get in the back of the ambulance with him.” Mikey nodded. Things hadn’t quiet sunken in just yet for poor Mikey.
The journey in the back of the ambulance was the longest journey either Charlie or Mikey had taken in their life. Watching Gerard lay their helpless, dead or alive, asleep or awake. It was horrifying for both teenagers. Thing like this only ever happened in the movies or to people on drugs, but never to ordinary people.
Bob was driving the van behind the ambulance. Luckily for them Gerard had bought a blue flashing light to put on top of the van. One of Gee’s practical jokes. Bob had placed the light on top of the van so it was possible for them to pass through all the red lights.
Arriving at the hospital the paramedics pulled the trolley from the back of there white carriage. Mikey, Charlie, Bob, Ray and Frank all ran behind the paramedics hopping their friend was o.k. Their hope wasn’t great enough for them to be let through to a small white disinfected room. Stood behind the door Charlie held tight on to Mikey’s hand. He hadn’t said anything the hole way their. Charlie stood their looking in on her sleeping babe. Something had to be done to help him. ‘Someone better do something to help him!’ she thought. Something caught her sight out of the corner of her eye. Looking down she noticed the small yellow bottle spinning on the floor. Letting go of Mikey’s hand she picked up the bottle. Looking at the yellow plastic fear ran through her body like an electrical charge shocking her system. The bottle had Gee’s name on it. Mikey recognised the bottle.
“That’s Gee’s pain med’s.” He said whilst staring through the glass window of the door.
“Pain med’s?” Charlie became even more horrified.
“He always gets these real bad headaches.” Bob replied also staring through the glass. She placed the bottle in the pocket of her jacket, and continued to watch as they placed allsorts of medication and wires in to Gerard.
Time passed slowly, waiting was the worst game ever. Charlie couldn’t stay still. She had to pace the cold hard floor. Looking at her bare feet she finally realised after all this time she had no shoes on. She was so worried about Gee she’d only grabbed what she thought to be her hoody. Looking at the jacket, it was two sizes to big and she didn’t own it. It was Gerard’s. How she hopped he was o.k. Things like this seemed to always happen around her. Her best friend fel and broke her leg on a skate board ride, she fel on her first day cutting her head, and then fel on the floor in the hall on her first day and now this. She was cursed and she new it. Charlie had pin pointed it down to her birth date:- Friday the thirteenth. She felt so ashamed and selfish. She was stood here thinking about her self when Mikey was sat on the floor saying nothing staring into thin air.
“Should we phone your mum?” She asked Mikey still pacing the floor. Mikey didn’t answer.
“Dude he’ll be o.k.” Ray said placing his hand on Mikey’s shoulder.
“How can you say that?” He stood shouting. “Look at him… all wired up, just barely alive… This is your fault!” He pointed at Charlie.
“Me?” She questioned her self.
“Yes you! You’re his girlfriend you should have stopped him!”
“He didn’t even tell me about the pills. You were the one who new about them! So don’t go blaming me!” Charlie shouted without thinking what she was saying. She realised, looking at Mikey’s face nearly in tears, she placed her hand over her mouth.
“Mikey I’m… I’m so sorry… You were so Wright I should have known.” A doctor broke the emotional stew between all five friends.
“Mr Way?”
“Yes?” Mikey looked at him.
“Do you know if your brother was taking any sort of medication?” Before Mikey could answer Charlie handed the doctor the near empty medical bottle.
“These one’s.”
“Do you know how many he took?” The doctor looked suspiciously at the long black hair girl who had no shoes on.
“No I don’t.” She replied shaking her head looking at the floor.
“Thank you.” The doctor went to walk off when Bob interrupted his walking.
“How is he doc?”
“Stabilizing, but he should be alright now we have these.” He gave Charlie another suspicious look and walked off. The boys all relaxed slightly. Charlie looked at Gee one more time before walking off.