New life, new school, New Jersey.

Sunrise over horror vile.

Charlie sat staring in to the sunrise. The sun stained her cheeks a bright red. Her mind was blank. She had given up on wondering why, to accept this was her life- a long weight for a hospital stay. She had to get out of the hospital. Things were just going to get worse if she stayed there any longer. Getting up she moved towards the exit. The doors opened for her to cross the thresh hold. She took a step then another. She found her self out side. The morning winds were harsh on her legs. Standing next to the wall she broke down. What was she doing she couldn’t leave not now, not like this.
“Do you think she’s o.k?” Asked Ray looking at his watch. It was six thirty-three am. They’d been in the hospital all night.
“I don’t care!” Mikey abruptly answered.
“Mikey she did help save him.”
“I don’t care! I am not to blame for Gee being in here, again.” He stood looking at his brother.
“Neither is she.” Frank added quietly.
“Ever thought he’s big enough to take responsibility for his own actions.” Bob said without looking up from the floor. Mikey sighed.
“You’re Wright, like always. I’ll go find her.” He walked towards the lift.
Maybe if she got up she could walk over to the bench and catch a bus back home. Then once she’d showered and re-dressed she could go to school? What was she thinking? She sighed. That was a stupid idea to. Charlie’s red stained eyes began to sting. The lack of sleep she’d managed to get that night was taking its toll on her. She felt useless.
Mikey walked in to the lobby from the lift. He looked around to find Charlie, but there was no sign of her. Walking towards the food court he noticed a small black figure pacing the floor out side. He walked through the sliding doors to find it was Charlie.
“Are you o.k?” He asked in a small innocent voice.
“Do I look o.k?” Charlie nearly screamed. “Sorry it’s been a long night… How is he?” Why was she asking that question she was just about to walk away and leave the hospital?
“Better… They said it was good you cough his absence to breath when you did other wise he would have died.” Mikey looked at his fingers. He was playing with his fingernails. “What you doing out here anyway it’s freezing?” He looked at her.
“Nothing just…” She couldn’t lie. Could she? “ I was…” No she couldn’t “I was about to leave.”
“What why?” Mikey asked ready to pounce like a lion on meat.
“I don’t know? It’s my fault he’s in here to start, as if he’d wanna hang around with me after this… or any of you guys for that matter.”
“It’s not your fault. He took those pills all by him self.” Mikey took hold of Charlie’s hand. “We don’t even know why he took them yet.”
“He’s still not awake?” Mikey shook his head.
“Come here.” Mikey hugged Charlie. She looked like she needed it. Mike was so stupid to blame her for what was going on. She didn’t see this coming as much as he didn’t.
Upstairs a nurse came over to the three boys who sat weighting for anything that would help Gerard.
“Witch one of you is Gerard’s brother?” She asked.
“Actually none of us but we’re his band mates his brothers gone to find his girlfriend.” Frank stood up announcing.
“Right well if you could find Mr Way and let him know he can go in and see his brother now.”
“Is Gee awake?” Ray asked happily.
“Yep. He’s coming around.” The boys all smiled. The nurse smiled and left.
“I better go find Mikey!” Said Bob running down the stairs to the lobby. Looking around he noticed to people sitting by the exit matching Mikey and Charlie’s description.
“Mikey!” Bob shouted across the room. “He’s awake! He’s awake!” He shouted continuing to run across the room.
“He’s awake?” Mikey asked ecstatically. Mikey jumped up grabbing Charlie’s hand and ran upstairs with Bob. They reached the room. Charlie stopped.
“Go on in. I’ll go in after you.” Mikey smiled from ear to ear. H walked in to his brother’s white chamber. Charlie looked on with the others behind her. Frank put his hand on her shoulder. She smiled at him and placed her hand on his. Mikey seamed, smiling at his brother. They both laughed. Charlie didn’t know what to do. She was so over come with every emotion. She wanted to make out with him and never let him go, slap him for making her worry like she did, and shout at him for taking the pills in the first place. She sighed. Overall she was happy that he’d made it threw and that he was o.k.
Mikey looked at Charlie’s worried face. He felt everything she did for Gerard, the anger, the relief, the pain that he could do such a thing to them, but just like her he was just happy his big brother was o.k. He smiled at her and walked to the door. Pushing the door open, his said: -
“Go on in.” He held the door open for her.
“I’m sure Ray, Frank and Bob would like to see him first…” She trailed off her sentence noticing that neither of them was moving. Frank pushed her in to the room. Mikey closed the door and the boys all gathered in front of the door. There was no escape. She had to face him now or never. Slowly, Charlie made her way to Gerard’s bed. She could see he was very pale, well paler than usual. She heard the bleep of the cold machinery monitoring every inch of his body.
“Hay hun.” She said reaching the side of his hospital bead. He cleared his through to talk.
“Hay.” She couldn’t resist any more. The eyes that had once pulled her in had brought the same spell over her once again. She hugged him. Oh! How she’d been so worried about her babe. She couldn’t believe it, he’d made it threw. He kissed her.
“It was an accident I promise o.k.” Charlie nodded.
“Promise me well talk about thing like this in the future.” He nodded and kissed her once more.
Gerard couldn’t believe he’d nearly lost all this. What had he been thinking? He hadn’t. That much was true. He was glad. Charlie slapped his arm.
“What was that fore?” He looked confused.
“Don’t ever scare me like that again. Ever!” They both laughed. “What would I have done with out you? …O’r them!” She pointed at the boys who were still crowded around the door like and audience to a soap opera. They all laughed.
Things were going to get better after this. Charlie sensed it. Well she hoped any way.