New life, new school, New Jersey.

First day, First friend

The day had begun badly, but now things seamed to have an up side to them.
The day ended and Charlie was looking forward to tomorrow and her new found friendship. Through all her thinking Charlie had not noticed Gerard running towards her. They both bumped in to each other knocking Charlie’s books to the floor.
“Watch it…” Gerard trailed off noticing whom he’d hit.
“I’m sorry I didn’t realize…” He trailed in to a laugh. They both looked at each other. Not realizing they had picked up each other’s books.
“Wanna lift home?” Gerard hoping the answer would be yes.
“Are you sure you wont mind?” Charlie wanted so badly to say yes, but she didn’t want to seem to keen.
“Theirs always room.” They both smiled at each other and walked towards Gerard’s car. There was a silence that always seamed to happen between them as they walked closer to the car. Thank god Mikey was near he broke the silence with his shouting.
“Gerard come on I’d like to get home please!” Looking at the car Charlie began to become afraid, was that his girlfriend or his sister driving the car? It was too hard to tell from that distance. They arrived at the car.
“Mom is it all right if we give a friend a ride?” Gerard pleaded with his mum.
“Sure. Why not.” They both got in to the back of the brown warn car.
“Where do you live hun?” Asked the pretty lady sitting in the drivers seat.
“5th street on Boulevard Avenue.”
“That’s were we live to. Hay that’s odd…odd in a good way.” Mikey said over his shoulder from the front seat.
Luckily enough their street wasn’t to far away from the school so neither of them had to suffer the silence for long. Pulling up in front of Charlie’s house Charlie looked for her mum.
“Thanks for the lift Mrs.Way. It was very kind of you.”
“Anytime sweetie.” The door closed Gerard and Mikey saluted her in unisons, and the car pulled off. Charlie happily ran in to her house and up to her room. She jumped on her bed and sighed cheerfully.
“OHH…What a gratefully strange day.”
A bit further down the street the Ways made their way inside their house.
“So…?” Gerard’s mother playfully asked.
“So what?” He asked knowing where the conversation was going.
“What’s going on with you and…?” Trying to dig deeper, she questioned.
“Nothing we’re just friends.” He insisted walking inside the house.
Charlie couldn’t believe it. She was feeling happy for the first time since she arrived at America. She couldn’t control her happiness anymore. She had to get up and dance. Well…Charlie didn’t exactly dance she moshed. Charlie had turned her music up so loud that she didn’t here her mother come threw the front door.
“For all these times we walked away, far all these times, I heard you say, give me something to believe in” Her mother laughed at her daughters singing and carried on to the kitchen.
In his basement of a bedroom Gerard empted his bag on to the black sheets of his bead.
“Hay what’s that?” Questioned Mikey, pointing an A5 sized notebook. Gerard turned to look.
“I don’t know I’ve never seen it before in my life.” He picked it up for a closer look.
“It kinda looks girly.” Bob laughed at his own comment.
“Mikey it must be yours” Gerard threw it to his brother. The boys laughed even harder. Mikey looked at his brother with small eyes.
“It’s that new girls...”
“Charlie!” Gerard interrupted his brother.
“Didn’t you bump in to her earlier?” Frank wondered from under his hair.
“We should take it back.” Gerard insisted.
“Give it here.” Mikey threw it to Bob.
“Let’s see what kinda things this sad act likes to write!” He laughed sadistically. He began to read.
“Dude this is actually quiet good.” Bob admitted.
“No way let’s look.” Frank and ray said together prying the book from Bob’s fingers. Mikey began coping down one page.
“Dude this would make an amazing song.” Gerard began reading it. He was amazed that such an innocent girl could writ dark songs.
“Did you have a good day?”
“It was o.k.”
“Meat anyone nice?”
“One.” Sam knew her daughter wasn’t about to give anything up through questioning. She was just happy her daughter was happy.
“So who is…?” Sam was interrupted, and Charlie saved by the doorbell. She got up from the table to answer it.
“Dude we have so got to sing this.” Mikey said looking up from the lyrics.
“Dude what ever as long as we can sing something.” Ray added
“I’ve got us the perfect place to sing it to… you know that place nobody knows about but everyone goes to.” The boys nodded together.
“Well I’ve got us a gig their.” Bob smiled pleased with himself. The boys all high fived with joy.
“Hay is Charlie in?” Asked a tall black haired boy, to the short brown haired woman who was stood behind the front door.
“Who is asking?”
“Oh… I’m Gerard. I’m in the same school as Charlie.” He smiled.
Charlie was sat in the kitchen eating when she heard Gerard’ voice flow through the house like a velvet cloud. She got up and made her way to the front door before her mother made a fool of herself.
“Hay… Thanks mum. You can go now.” Charlie pushed her mum back to the confinements of the house, closing the door behind her.
“So… How can I help you?” She asked trying to be as natural as possible.
“Hay… I was about to start my homework when I couldn’t find my book and I found this.” He held out Charlie’s book. How could she have nearly lost that book. She would have died if she had. That book was her life.
“Thanks. I don’t know what I’d have done if I’d lost it.” She took the book. They stared at each other.
“So…?” She asked.
“Could I have my book back?”
“Oh duh yeah. Come on in it’s upstairs.” Gerard followed her in to the hall. The house was bigger compared to her old house. The hall was lightly furnished with a white table and some old photos.
“I’ll be back now, just gotta speak to my Mam.” Charlie went in to the kitchen. Along the walls Gerard peered at the photos hanging. Most of the photos were of Charlie as a baby or a toddler.
“Don’t pay attention to them their old… come on!” Charlie grabbed hold of Gerard’s soft had. It was soft and smooth against hers. Charlie pulled Gerard to the room at the end of the hall. The walls were covered in posters of bands e.g. Lostprophets, Linken Park and others, but mostly Green Day. Charlie went over to her closet and opened the door and disappeared.