
Chapter one

Tabitha could smell them coming.
Tilting her head back long blonde hair falling over her shoulders, she inhaled deeply taking in the strong sent of iron. It was so strong Tabitha could practically taste it in the back of her throat. She watched with half closed eyes as her pray entered the room two of them one male and one female.

So tasty looking.

Tabitha drew the words in her mind slowly, as she leaned back further into the darkness. Not wanting her pray to come to notice her just yet she wanted to wait for the opportune moment.
But she wouldn’t wait to long she just wouldn’t be able to her thirst wouldn’t let her hold back that long. She watched the couple undress throwing on their pajama’s. Tabitha watched them with unblinking eyes drawing back her top lip as she ran her tongue across her fangs.

She couldn’t wait much longer that she new for sure, as the couple lay in bed the females arm thrown gently over the males chest. Closing her eyes she sighed resting her head against the males shoulder.
Just as the males eyes closed Tabitha moved in slowly for the kill she had been watching these two for over a week waiting for the perfect moment to strike and here it was.
Just waiting and watching wasn’t enough not anymore her mind was set on one thing and there was no turning back now. Moving closer to the bed she bent over the male her long thin hand hovering just above the males beating heart. His chest rising as he took in a deep breathe and falling as he let it out in a calming sigh.

She had to take the male out first that she knew. The female could go second she would be the easier person to handle when it was her turn.
The female would be in to much shock with what had just happend, she wouldn’t believe it at first but by the time she realized she needed to escape her life would have already been at an end.
Making her first move Tabitha placed her hand upon the males throat yanking him out from under the female using her inhuman strength she through the male across the room.

Watching as is body collided with the wall leaving a decent sized whole were he had hit. Falling to the floor body unmoving she knew a hit like that couldn’t have killed him just knocked the wind right out of him.
Walking over to the male graving a hold of his throat once again she raised him to his feet. Expecting to see horror and terror in his eyes Tabitha felt a look of shock cross her face as the male said.

“So long bitch.” He spat laughing in her pale face a grin slapped across his.

Just as Tabitha was about to rip her fist through the males chest and tare out his beating heart so she could feed upon it in his dying presence. She felt something sharp pierce her back.
All the breathe in Tabitha’s lungs slowly escaped her lips leaving her struggling to breathe. Releasing the grip she had on the males throat she stumbled back a couple steps.

Glancing down at the silver blade that went through her back and out the front of her chest. Placing her hands upon the blade just as she felt it being pulled out of her chest.
Screaming as pain began to bloom throat her whole body Tabitha quickly turned around to face the person who had dared take a blade to her body.
Coming face to face with ice blue eyes glaring back at Tabitha’s brown ones.
“You are going to pay for what has been done.” Tabitha said the words coming out in more of a slur then actual words themselves.
Just as the blue eyed female drew the blade above her head to take another stab at Tabitha she turned and ran to the one place with a way out in the room the window.

Not turning back Tabitha just laughed as her thin body collapsed with the window glass flowing around her as she fell the two story’s from the apartment. The cold night air wiping around her body as she fell jolting to a sudden stop as she hit the solid ground below. Landing like a cat she quickly got up from the ground walking into the one of the alleyways.

There was no reason to stop to inspect the wound in her chest she knew she would heal just fine. But damn it hurt like a son of a bitch there aren’t many ways you can kill a vampire. But Tabitha knew there was ways taking the head off them for sure, you take the head off of anyone and they died.
If could do the trick as well, but Tabitha never worried about it much because it wasn’t like someone was going to appear out of no where and light her ass on fire.

But she for damn sure knew Evelyn wasn’t going to be happy about this.
She hated when someone let pray get away, it was sloppy and stupid work.
Tabitha knew she was going to have to pay for it.

Jasmine raised her blade high ready to strike at the blonde again.
But just as Jasmine was about to bring the blade down across her neck.
The blonde bolted from the room turning she ran for the window sailing head first through it.
Glass shattering at Jasmine’s and Ayden’s feet they both glanced up at each other shaking his head Ayden said.

“We cant get them every time.” His voice deep and low as he said it.
“Yeah I guess your right.” Jasmine said using the end of her pajama shirt to wipe off her blade. Placing it on the bed she bent under the bed long ink black hair falling to the side.
As she leaned to the side to pull out the black duffle bag they had put under the bed the morning before. Throwing it down onto the bed and unzipping it she pulled out a change of clothes for herself and Ayden.
Stripping down to her underwear and bra, Jasmine quickly threw on a pair of black jeans and a long sleeved black shirt with a leather jacket thrown over it.

Ayden quickly did the same dressed in what Jasmine was in except for the leather jacket unlike many others he enjoyed the cold.
Putting her thigh length blade into the bag Jasmine zipped it back up throwing it towards Ayden.

“Now why does the guy have to hold the lady’s luggage?” He asked grinning at his own little joke steal gray eyes flashing with enjoyment.

Flipping him off Jasmine just headed towards the door to the apartment, unlocking the dead bolt she peaked her head out into the hallway. With not a soul in sight Jasmine quickly walked out of the room and towards the stairs. They were a hell of a lot faster then taking the elevator.
Opening the door to the stairway Jasmine quickly jogged her way down them Ayden hot on her trail. Once they hit the street Jasmine took a deep breathe sighing white air escaping her lips as her warm breathe met the cold air.
Glancing down the street as Jasmine heard sirens going off in the near distance.

New York, the city that never slept day or night there was always someone or something up and about. In the day you had the humans roaming freely about taking care of daily errands or going to work.
At night well that’s when the more dangers things awake and decide to roam looking for new people to pray on. Not all prayed on human beings but a good hand full of them did. The vampires for example they craved the taste of blood and would do anything to get it. When the thirst takes over they just don’t know when to stop. Nothing else matters until they calm it it drives them to links unlike any Jasmine has ever seen.

Jumping into the passenger seat of the SUV parked across the street, just as Ayden opened the door to the drivers side hopping in. He threw the duffle bag into the back seat, turning the key in the ignition. The car started up with a loud purr pushing his foot down on the gas Ayden pulled out of the spot they were parked at.

“Where are we going?” Ayden asked taking a right onto the next street.

“To the club we need to talk with James.” Jasmine said pulling her long hair up into a tight pony tail at the top of her head.
Slipping a nine M.M. into her pants waist band leaning her head back against the seat.
Closing her eyes letting thoughts free flow threw her mind.
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