My Babylon

Killing in Session

Everyone was arguing, they wouldn’t stop. They thought HE did it, he didn’t, I did.

But if I got caught, so many girls, I would get away with it, I had been getting away with it, no one would ever know it was me, after all, why would I do it?

“Mack, I believe you didn’t do it, but with your training, and your past, it’s going to be hard to convince the rest of the clan, much less the police, don’t forget, they can’t know…”

“I know Chariot, but I have to make them believe, do you think you can do it?”

“You know most of this will fall on Baby Mack, ask her.”


“I can handle it, I’m ready.”

She’s so cold, why is she so cold?
Why does she never show what she thinks. She was trained, like me, but not the same, never the same, she shouldn’t be able to hide from me,
I’m too old, too powerful.

Chariot said she was okay, vouched for her. But I’m still not sure… she could have some from anywhere…

“Stay out of my head.” Mack said, turning to Baby angrily

“Ah, yes, yes, I think I will.”

With a sly smile, Baby left, her long blonde hair wiping back and forth with the rhythm of her walk, brushing the blue fold of her dress.

“I don’t like her Chariot, she makes me uncomfortable, she’s… off.”

“That she is, but she’s just what you need for this job.”
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry its short... mixture of school... and home,so much to do, so litle time...
well heres your update my one lonely reader, this is for you!