My Babylon

What The Said, oh my Babylon

*Angela’s POV*
I can’t remember, exactly what happened, I mean, I know he was on me, and then all of a sudden, everything was gone. People say dying is like falling into a dark pit, you can feel it coming the pain is supposed to be unbearable, but it was so easy, one moment, I was alive, bleeding, breathing, struggling to LIVE, the next… nothing, it was so odd, I was left confused, dazed even. I stared blankly at the dark, then, as if the idea was given to me by someone else, I realized it. If I opened my eyes I could see…

*Merry Murderer’s POV*
I tried to take a nap, before presenting my case, I knew, that for my fathers’ sake, I had to at least LOOK decent, like the son of a well respected an, for, that is what I am. I just never seem to fit, like I don’t really belong to this place, as if I’m not right, maybe I am crazy, I should ask my dad, it would help… but I can’t that isn’t the way we do it here, here, Babylon rules…

*Babylon’s POV*
A killer lives within me, within my great protective walls. I can fear its anger, that cold hard taste that comes to my mouth when one of my children has done an unspeakable wrong, and I can’t help but shudder, the power that radiates of f of it, so great, I am afraid it will be beyond me, that it will take this heaven that I have created, My Babylon, and destroy it, and in the process, everything else.

* Chariot’s POV*
Baby was just standing there; I remember the look on her face, when Mack realized she was probing, as if she had discovered something dark. I don’t really know why I vouched for her, I had only known her for a couple months, she just, showed up one day, knocked at my front door, wearing a simple dress, blue cotton if I do recall, and when I opened the door she waltzed right in, demanding a job. At first, I had stared at her, agape, then, as her cold hard steel colored eyes landed on my dark brown ones, I found myself agreeing, next day, she was at my side, learning everything I know, or rather knew.
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Sorry its short, and confusing, jumps from POV to POV, this is mainly to help things... set up... later....
I'm kinda having fun with this... kinda...
wel, comment, please!