Make A Plan To Love Me


You were in my dream last night.
I remember it vaguely.
But you were in it.

And I looked to you.
You were strumming your guitar.
Acting vividly wild as those fingers slid down each strings.

But it wasn't a song from your band.

It was your own.
You sang to me.

I didn't know you sang.
Actually, I barely know you.
But at the same time I know you.

It's odd.

You being the eye candy in every teenage girl's dream
What am I to you?

I don't know.
But after you strummed your guitar,
You looked up at me and grinned.

I said,
"Shh, Frank. Don't talk."

You just chuckled.
Put your guitar on the ground.
And wrapped your arms around me.
So close to your chest that I felt your heart beat with mine.

I kind of gasped.
From the shock.
But then I started to whimper.
And blushed so madly that I was whimpering.

You kissed my forehead.
Down to my eyes.
To my nose.
To my lips.

It felt marvelous.
I wanted your sweet lips against mine again.

But I woke up.
And started to cry.
Pressing down the buttons so hard.
Whispering words that aren't really words.