Make A Plan To Love Me


Your brother announced your age.
Only a little girl you are.
Fifteen years of age.

But that won't stop me.
From fighting for you.
And I know I shouldn't.
If anybody found out.
They'll look at me
as a pedophile
because I'm twenty-six
who's madly in love with
a fifteen year old silly girl.

But I'm silly too.
Maybe sillier than you.

When I was eleven you were born.
When I was twenty-one you were ten.
Now I'm twenty-six and I think I found love.

And when he announced it.
I felt absolutely disgusted.
Like these tiny little bugs
were crawling on my skin.
Trying to eat away my flesh.

I couldn't even stare at you.
But your brother could.

He was yelling at me.
Screaming such harsh words.
Threatening me of some blood on my shirt.
Maybe a place six feet underneath the cold soil.

When I returned home.
I must have walked for hours.
Before finding my bed.

That was when I first had my dream about you.
After that, the dreams wouldn't stop.