Make A Plan To Love Me


The phone started to go off cue.
My heart literally jumped from my chest.
There was a ringing noise inside of my ears.

I just looked at the green light.
Lusting to be pressed.
Where I'll be hearing
your beautiful voice.

I shakily asked.

There was a long silence.

I asked again.

There was still a long silence.
I sighed to myself knowing
it was too good to be true.

"Well, whoever it is; I wish you would speak now,"
I murmured more to myself than the stranger.

There was a cough.
I narrowed my eyes.

"Look, if you're some kind of fan, how did you get my number?"

I was starting to get angry.
I'm never really angry.

"It's me, Frank,"
a sweet voice sang out.

I smiled to myself.

You can't resist me.
I can't resist you.

We're both stuck in hell.
♠ ♠ ♠
I couldn't get my spell check to work.
Millionaires don't sing, they talk shit.