‹ Prequel: Break the Broken
Sequel: Drink Me Dry
Status: Complete. =)

Calling Grace


Can you forgive me for pointing it out that your smile makes me whole? It takes my breath away and over the time that has passed on by I never stopped loving you but I will keep up the fight to make sure I am never left behind, mein god I never felt this way before but it's amazing to feel in a way that angels weep at their fallen.


You make it all seem like a fairytale and it's amazing as no one's done it before, I'm not going to write you a hate song, in fact I love you there I said ich liebe dich ich bin da an deiner seite, ja I am your engel... if you want me to be? My sanity drifts away and yet you're the only one that warms my face...I don't blame you for trying again as I apparently make you whole. Mein god, over time I loved you like hell, you seem fairytale like!


I'm not going to write you a hate song in fact I'm going to write you a love song from the inside of my soul that I mean every word I ever sang when I sang my songs live to the world around us, they all know you flood my mind and your smile warms my face and heals the pain inflicted by any others! In lockdown is precious silence that I will not waste, shut up you sent me away to a paradise where you are king...

(Chorus x3)

I want to thank you for trying again I thought I was going to lose my mind, there's a first time for everything and that first time would be falling in love with you. Hello, mein Gott. I gave up the fight when I realized I loved you back and now all I ask is to be redeemed, am I back with all of you? I'm sorry for any hurt I caused but now I am alive again and well nothing can take me down.

(Chorus x3)