‹ Prequel: Break the Broken
Sequel: Drink Me Dry
Status: Complete. =)

Calling Grace

Stay Forever

I'm trapped in a shield of ice, a shadow of my broken past is a reflection of my former life it frightens me so! (I thought you remember the promise you made! x3) Don't say you're lost I know the feeling of bleeding, I am hidden from the otherworld forever, I'm lost and waiting for a rescue at least an attempt would make me feel loved, seems like my hopes are just a joke! Can't say we're lost the feeling's mutual


I wished I could've stayed forever by their side, then I'd have to stay with you and just yuor face churns my insides, Now I'm lost without help, who's supposed to save me!? I will make sure I remain lost and waiting for you, anytime you wanted to change my world, as false as it can be I might have to accept the fact you tried to save me, you lost the right to smile at me or think highly of any part of me when you cheated on my trust, now I'm scared that you'll try again...I want to stay forever away from you


Deal with it, I can stay away from you as long as I wish to fight back, your tears fill my mind and no matter how others try to set us up I can see through the plots that all my friends and family planned out when I'm not around, all around me tears are falling now I have to say that I must move on, my soul has been frozen now I cannot feel, I'm out of tears to cry and I don't know what frightens me worse: Who can replace you, will I remain alone for the rest of my life? If you're supposed to save me, stay the hell away for all time I'm alive.

(Chorus x3)

I'd been so lost with you, now that you're gone the lost is gone all around me smiles are gleaming, yet there's a feeling within that tells me to reconsider, I think I just discarded you from my life, try to save me I will hurt you like no one can ever hurt the way I do, the only ones who could save me were killed in front of me...can't say I'm lost the feeling's all around me!

(Chorus x3)
