Maybe It's Me...?


He wanted to be creative with her death. 2 days of wooing, a third of seducing and it was back to his place for the dessert with fewer calories than a chunk of flesh; hers particularly tasted of the sharp perfume she had decided her body needed to be coated in; less enjoyable to eat than the fresh skin he’d taken from Steph.

The role play had literally been a stroke of genius. Kinky acts in the kitchen was possibly not his phrasing, but with enough alcohol, she was oblivious to the stupidity. A gag had been his suggestion that she’d taken to within moments, not realising it meant her fate was truly sealed.

Climbing onto the kitchen willingly, it was her handcuffs that chained her to the over turned table’s legs; apparently there was a hidden side to the plain girl, with her brunette bunches. Clothing had given way to show more inviting underwear, it’s only purpose to contain things that Teddy did not wish to see.

“A sexual orientation describing individuals who do not experience sexual attraction”

He’d known for 3 years, as of September; well, at least he thought he knew. He’d tried to shrug it off as a late bloomer, but no, there was simply nothing he felt for anyone on a level he could call sexual. Some may have seen Sarah to be ‘hot’ or ‘fit’, but Teddy saw nothing more than a woman, someone only different to men by their sex organs and body shapes.

Now though, in her current restrained position, most single men would have taken an opportunity with the willing participant, but Teddy, he simply took the knife from the side, slashed across her stomach in three parallel stripes, splitting them with a forth down the centre, letting the skin unfold as though simple flaps.

She screamed as the blood loss caused the death of her brain and body; the rope, silencing all it could. Her weak thrashings died within moments as she did, the lids upon her screaming eyes shutting with a lack of energy and hope for survival.

“Sorry, Sarah, had to be done,”

He looked over her body, glancing about as he realised he had not planned the aftercare; things had gone too quickly in the dating process and he had no time to prepare anything for his original plan. Hardly could he risk another trip to the river…there was only one alternative that came to mind, and even that at such a time seemed to bloody stupid for words.

Pulling a second knife from the kitchen holder, he cut a ring around her face, slicing beneath the flesh to separate muscle bonds and tendons, chipping accidentally into the bone of her nose and possibly slicing the cheek bones in two, although with so much blood, it was hard to be fully sure; but why should he clean when the messiest bits were still to come?

Taking his time, he knew there was no need to worry or panic; alone time, truly meant that…save the pounding noise coming from down the corridor…

What happens when you just happen to get a knock at the door when there’s a corpse without a face in your kitchen?
♠ ♠ ♠
I would just like to say, I am not disturbed.