Status: On Hiatus (Sadly....)

You Saved me in the Moonlight

The Concert

"I love you, Nick Jonas!" Maddie screamed from beside me.

I could just barely hear her over the thousands of fans, screaming something similar.

I shook my head at her crazed fandom, smiling.

She had dragged me along to a Jonas Brothers concert.


Don't get me wrong, it's not like I hate the Jonas Brothers, or their music.

I think that they're great musicians.

I'm just not a crazed fan.

Anyway, Maddie's dad paid for us to have front row seats, where we could reach out and touch the stage, and one of the JoBro's hands, if we were lucky.

They moved on to their latest hit, "Burnin' up", and everyone screamed.

They sure have some loyal and loving fans.

But the song, and the concert, was over all to soon for Maddie.

We were leaving as they finished their last song, "S.O.S", and Maddie was grumbling about it the whole time.

While I was trying to get us through a mob of people.

"Maddie, can you please stop complaining? We had a great time, and we can always go and see their next concert!"

She brightened up at my reminder. "Oh yeah! I'll make Daddy pay for us to see" She pulled out a piece of paper, with the JoBro tour sites on it. "Oh my God! They're in New York City in two weeks! I've gotta call Daddy!"

Then she diappeared into the crowd.

"Maddie!" I yelled after her.

It all happened so fast.

A fifty-year-old woman was wielding a enormus lawn chair around like a lightsaber, demanding to see the Jonas Brothers.

People moved away from her wrath, leaving an opening for me.

I moved in, still searching for Maddie.

And got conked on the head by the chair.

Let me tell you, that was a heck of a hit.

It sent me flying into the lawn in front of the JoBro tour bus.

"Ow." I said in surprise, and passed out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, I did it. I started a JoBro's story.

Oh! What now!
