Status: On Hiatus (Sadly....)

You Saved me in the Moonlight

Not Bad

We ended up at some random, enormous, vintage clothing store.

Joe and Kevin immediately went to the racks, and rifled through various clothes.

And somehow, I wound up with Nick.

Not that it's a bad thing.

We strolled through the store, and awkward silence between us.

"Look, I'm...sorry about earlier. I honestly had no idea that you were....well, you know...." He blushed again, looking at his shoes.

I stopped walking, and he did the same.

"I understand. It was just a...weird moment." I smiled at him when he looked up, and he returned the smile.

"So, let's go find Joe and Kevin before they bury us in mountains of clothes. Because they will do that."

I laughed, and we set off.

And got lost.

"Why is a vintage store so confusing?" I asked no one in particular.

Nick and I had been walking around, trying, and failing, to find the other Jonas'.

"I could swear that I've seen that orange jacket before." Nick said.

"Yeah, it's kind of hard to miss." I replied, and we laughed.

Then I saw the cutest green tank top.

"Hang on." I picked it out, and looked at the tag.

Just the right size, and only for five bucks! Score!

Then I saw some make up, and got that, too.

"Okay, I'm ready -- "

"There you guys are! We were starting to think that rabid fangirls had gotten to you!" Joe exclaimed.

I giggled. "Rabid fangirls?"

"They do exist." Kevin said solemnly, and Joe nodded, totally serious.

I rolled my eyes. "Sure, whatever. Let's just go."

We quickly checked out of the store, and went back into the tour bus.

"All right, I'm going to trust that you guys found me some good clothes." I said, and rummaged through the bags.

Joe rolled his eyes at me. "Trust me, I do this all the time."

"That's what I'm worried about...." I muttered.

Kevin and Nick heard me, and started laughing.

"What'd you say?" Joe asked, suspiscious.

"Oh, nothing." I smiled sweetly at him.

He lunged for me, and I ran into the bathroom, my new clothes in my hand.

"I call the bathroom for the next couple of hours!" I shouted, and laughed.

Joe started muttering about girls on the other side of the door.

I giggled.

For the next hour or so, I took a shower, blow dried my hair, and put some make up on.

I smiled at the result.

"Okay, I'm coming out now!" I shouted, and I heard the sounds of a T.V. being paused.

I opened the door cautiously, then walked out.

The guys mouths dropped open.

I giggled.

"So, I guess I look decent." I remarked.

"Decent? How about -- " Joe started, and Kevin slapped his hand over his mouth.

"So anyway, what're we watching?" I asked Nick.

"Um...." He started, then blushed. "I don't know...some random movie of Joe's."

They were watching the first Batman movie.

"Oh! I like this one!" I said, and fixed myself a seat beside Nick.
♠ ♠ ♠
If you comment, Nick gives you a hug! xD

And here's a piccy of Erica after she gets out of the bathroom: