Status: On Hiatus (Sadly....)

You Saved me in the Moonlight

All for the Chicken Sandwich

"Don't be too critical about your work!" Nick said.

"Like you're one to talk, Mr. Judgemental." Kevin teased, and Nick blushed.

"Hey, what'd I miss?" Joe suddenly asked, finished with his Guitar Hero game (for now, at least.).

"Nothing," I quickly lied.

"Then what's that?" He pointed to the notebook in my hands.

"Oh, nothing...." I trailed off, looking away.

He lunged for it, but I pulled it up out of his reach and stuck my tongue out at him.

He fell into the floor.

Everyone started laughing simultaneously.

Then, our stomachs growled.

"!" Joe said dramatically, clutching his stomach and rolling on the floor.

I giggled.

"Hey, is there a place where I can get a good chicken sandwich around here?" Kevin asked the driver.

"There's a Wendy's over there." I pointed out.

"It'll have to do." He sighed, and I grinned.

It sure is going to look strange, seeing the Jonas Brothers Tour Bus pull up to the Drive-Thru.

Apparently, the Driver thought the same thing, so he volunteered to run in and get us something.

We all gave him our orders, and watched him as he left, and girls started to swarm the bus.

"They're not going to get violent, are they?" I asked Joe nervously.

He got up off of the floor and peered out the tinted window. "Not usually."

"That's comforting." I said, sarcasm dripping from my voice.

They laughed.

And the girls heard it.

Squeals and screams rose from them, and they pounded on the door.

"Whoops." Kevin said, smiling.

"Well, what can you do?" Nick agreed.

While they were being calm about this, I was freaking out.

"Aren't you guys worried that they'll break something?" I panicked, gripping the arm of the sofa as they started to shake the Bus.

"Not really. This thing could survive an earthquake, it's so sturdy." Joe commented.

"An earthquake's nothing next to a bunch of convinced, headstrong fangirls!" I exclaimed.

"Hey, maybe if we're really quiet, they'll leave." Nick suggested, starting to get worried.

There was a few minutes of silence before we all busted out in quiet laughter.

I peered out the window to see if they'd bought it.

And saw the driver come out of Wendy's with a bunch of employees.

"Guys, come and see what's going on." I whispered.

They obeyed, and snickered.

The employee's were trying to get the girls away from the Bus so that the driver could get inside.

Of course, they went ballistic when they saw the driver, and were attempting to fight off the employee's.

We bust out in laughter again.

The fangirls heard once more, and it provided enough of a distraction for the driver to enter safely.

"So, how'd it go?" Joe asked nonchalantly.

The driver glared at us, knowing full well that we'd just seen the whole thing.

Laughter and chicken sandwiches were passed all around the bus.
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Guys, thanks for all the comments!! It really encourages me as an author!! ^///^

And Nick hugs everyone that comments/commented!! w00t!